Title Speaker Date
20 The Heart of Darkness - Judges 19
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler August 18, 2024
09 Faithful Servants and Stewards in Christ - 1 Corinthians 4'1-5
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler August 18, 2024
19 The Dangers of Spiritual Compromise - Judges 18
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler August 11, 2024
08 Living as God's Holy Temple - 1 Corinthians 3'16-23
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler August 11, 2024
18 True Worship and the Dangers of Syncretism - Judges 17
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler August 04, 2024
07 Building on the Eternal Foundation - 1 Corinthians 3'10-15
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler August 04, 2024
17 Samson's Strength and Weakness in Light of Christ - Judges 16
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler July 28, 2024
06 Spiritual Growth - Unity - and Servanthood in Christ - 1 Corinthians 3'1-9
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler July 28, 2024
16 God's Sovereign Plan Prevails - Always Judges 16
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler July 21, 2024
05 The Wisdom of God Revealed - 1 Corinthians 2_6-16
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler July 21, 2024
15 Samson's Desires and the Lord's Direction of All Things - Judges 14
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler July 14, 2024
04 Faith Founded on the Power of God - 1 Cor 2'1-5
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler July 14, 2024
14 The Birth of a Deliverer - Judges 13
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler July 07, 2024
03 The Folly and Wisdom of God - 1 Corinthians 1'18-31
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler July 07, 2024
02 United in Christ's Grace - 1 Corinthians 1'4-17
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler June 30, 2024
13 The Tragedy of Disunity Among God's People - Judges 12
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler June 23, 2024
01 United: in, through, by, because of Christ - 1 Corinthians 1:1-3
Series: 1 Corinthians: United in Christ
John Owen Butler June 23, 2024
12 From Rejection to Redemption - The Life of Jephthah - Judges 11
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler June 02, 2024
07 Seven Signs of the Savior - The Raising of Lazarus - John 11
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler June 02, 2024
11 The Impatient Mercy and Grace of God - Judges 10
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler May 26, 2024
06 Seven Signs of the Savior - Sight Given to the Man Born Blind - John 9
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler May 26, 2024
11 The Impatient Mercy and Grace of Our God - Judges 10
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler May 26, 2024
10 The Bramble King and the True Sovereign - Christ in Judges 9
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler May 19, 2024
05 Seven Signs of the Savior - Walking on Water - John 6'16-21
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler May 19, 2024
09 Gideons Later Years - Judges 8
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler May 12, 2024
04 Seven Signs of the Savior - The Feeding of the 5000 - John 6'1-15 and 22-40
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler May 12, 2024
08 God's Victory Over The Midianites - Judges 7
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler May 05, 2024
03 Seven Signs of the Savior - The Healing of the Lame Man - John 5
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler May 05, 2024
07 Gideon's Call - Judges 6
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler April 28, 2024
02 Seven Signs of the Savior - Healing the Nobleman's Son - John 4'43-54
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler April 28, 2024
06 Unexpected Victory Judges 4 and 5
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler April 21, 2024
01 Seven Signs of the Savior - Water into Wine - John 2:1-11
Series: Seven Signs of the Savior
John Owen Butler April 21, 2024
05 The Judge with the Pointed Stick - Judges 3'31
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler April 14, 2024
53 A Faithful Minister - Ephesians 6'21-24
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 14, 2024
04 An Unexpected Deliverer - Judges 3'12-30
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler April 07, 2024
52 Prayer Ties It All Together - Ephesians 6'18-20
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 07, 2024
03 Othniel - the First Judge - Judges 3'1-11
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler March 31, 2024
Evidences for the Resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15'1-11
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler March 31, 2024
02 Cycles of Faithfulness and Forgetfulness - Judges 2'6-23
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler March 24, 2024
51 Spiritually Armed - Ephesians 6'13-17
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 24, 2024
11 The Pursuit of True Wisdom and Contentment - Ecclesiastes 5'8-6'12 (1)
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler March 20, 2024
01 Israel's Failure and God's Faithfulness - Judges 1:1-2:5
Series: The Book of Judges
John Owen Butler March 17, 2024
50 Our Struggle Is Not Against Flesh and Blood - Ephesians 6'10-12
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 17, 2024
The Church: Pillar and Ground of Truth - 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler March 10, 2024
Psalm 2 - All People Called to Submit to Christ
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 03, 2024
49 Reflecting Christ in Authority and Service - Ephesians 6'9
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 03, 2024
Psalm 1 - The Way of the Righteous
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler February 25, 2024
48 Service as Unto the Lord - Ephesians 6'5-8
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 25, 2024
21 The Sum of it all - Fear God and Keep His Commandments Ecclesiastes 12'9-14
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler February 18, 2024
42 Nurturing with Christ's Love - A Father's Guide from Ephesians 6'4
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 18, 2024
20 Remembering our Creator - Ecclesiastes 12'1-8
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler February 11, 2024
46 A Child's Duty - Ephesians 6'1-3
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 11, 2024
19 Seize the Day Wisely - Ecclesiastes 11
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler February 04, 2024
45 A Divine Blueprint - Ephesians 5'31-33
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 04, 2024
18 Navigating Life's Unpredictability - Ecclesiastes 9'11-10'20
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler January 28, 2024
16 Death Comes Knocking for All - Ecclesiastes 9'1-6
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler January 14, 2024
44 A Husband's Submission - Ephesians 5'25-30
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler January 14, 2024
15 The Secret Things Belong to the Lord Our God - Ecclesiastes 8'14-17
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler January 07, 2024
43 Wifely Submission in Christ - Ephesians 5'22-24
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler January 07, 2024
42 Humble Submission out of Reverence for Christ - Ephesians 5'21
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler December 31, 2023
In the Fullness of Time - Galatians 4'4-5
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 24, 2023
The Child with the Government on His Shoulders - Isaiah 9'6-7
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 24, 2023
14 Understanding God's Justice in a Confounding World - Ecclesiastes 8'10-13
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler December 17, 2023
41 Who's Controlling You - Ephesians 5'17-20
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler December 17, 2023
40 Walking Wisely - Ephesians 5'15-17
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler December 10, 2023
13 Wisdom - Authority - and Human Frailty - Ecclesiastes 8'1-9
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler December 03, 2023
39b Awake and Arise - Living as Children of Light - Ephesians 5'11-14
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler December 03, 2023
12 Living in Wisdom in a World of Paradoxes - Ecclesiastes 7
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler November 26, 2023
39a Awake and Arise - Living as Children of Light - Ephesians 5'11-14
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler November 26, 2023
38 Walking in the Light - Ephesians 5'7-10
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler November 19, 2023
11 The Pursuit of True Wisdom and Contentment - Ecclesiastes 5'8-6'12
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler November 12, 2023
37 Called to Holiness - Ephesians 5'3-6
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler November 12, 2023
10 Reverence Amid Vanity - Ecclesiastes 5'1-7
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler November 07, 2023
36 Living as Beloved Children and Fragrant Offerings - Ephesians 5'1-2
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler November 05, 2023
09 Wisdom Companionship and Eternity - Lessons from Ecclesiastes 4
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler October 29, 2023
35 The Transformative Power of Kindness-Tenderheartedness-and Forgiveness - Ephesians 4'32
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler October 29, 2023
08 Navigating Life's Paradoxes - Hope Purpose and Joy in Christ - Ecclesiastes 3'16-22
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler October 22, 2023
34 The Transformative Power of Grace-Filled Speech - Ephesians 4'29-31
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler October 22, 2023
07 Finding Meaning in God's Sovereign Design - Ecclesiastes 3'9-15
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler October 08, 2023
33 From Being a Man of Steal to a Man of Sweat to Become a Man of Share - Ephesians 4'28
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler October 08, 2023
06 A Time for Everything - Ecclesiastes 3'1-8
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler October 01, 2023
32 "Managing Anger - Pursuing Peace" Ephesians 4:26-27
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler October 01, 2023
05 The Vanity and Value of Labor Through the Lens of Christ - Ecclesiastes 2'18-26
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler September 24, 2023
31 Speaking the Truth as New Creations - Ephesians 4'25
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler September 24, 2023
04 The Vanity of Living Wisely Under the Sun - Ecclesiastes 2'12-17
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler September 17, 2023
30 The Old - The New - and the Power of Transformation - Ephesians 4'20-24
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler September 17, 2023
03 The Search for Meaning in a World of More - Ecclesiastes 2'1-11
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler September 10, 2023
29 Living A Transformed Life - Ephesians 4'17-19
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler September 10, 2023
02 The Vanity of Wisdom and the Wisdom of God - Ecclesiastes 1'12-18
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler September 03, 2023
28 Growing Together in Truth and Love – Ephesians 4'14-16
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler September 03, 2023
01 Life Under the Sun - Ecclesiastes 1'1-11
Series: Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
John Owen Butler August 27, 2023
27 Christ's Gift of Word-Bearers - Ephesians 4'11-13
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler August 27, 2023
07 The Forerunner Foretold - Malachi :1-6
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler August 20, 2023
26 Christ Unites Us By his Gifts - Ephesians 4:7-10
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler August 20, 2023
06 The Lord Does Not Change - Malachi 3:6-18
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler July 23, 2023
25 One Body, Spirit, Hope, Lord, Faith, Baptism, God and Father - Ephesians 4'4-6
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler July 23, 2023
05 Are You Sure About That? Malachi 2:17-3:5
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler July 16, 2023
24 Walking Worthy of Our Calling - Part 2 Ephesians 4:1-3
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler July 16, 2023
04 Faithless Marriages and a Faithful God - Malachi 2:10-16
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler July 09, 2023
23 Walking Worthy of Our Calling, Part 1 - Ephesians 4:1-3
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler July 09, 2023
3 Polluted Priests - Malachi 2:1-9
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler July 02, 2023
22 What to Pray for One Another, Part 2 - Ephesians 2:17-21
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler July 02, 2023
2 True Worship - Malachi 1:6-14
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler June 25, 2023
21 What to Pray for One Another - Part 1 - Ephesians 3:14-16
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler June 25, 2023
1 the Covenantally Faithful Love of God - Malachi 1:1-5
Series: Malachi
John Owen Butler June 11, 2023
20 The Grace and Glory of God Manifested Through the Church - Ephesians 3:7-13
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler June 11, 2023
4 A Whole New Life - Haggai 2:20-23
Series: Haggai: God Will Take Care of You
John Owen Butler June 04, 2023
19 What is the Mystery of Christ? Ephesians 3:1-6
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler June 04, 2023
3 "I Will Bless You" - Haggai 2:10-19
Series: Haggai: God Will Take Care of You
John Owen Butler May 21, 2023
18 No Longer Strangers and Aliens - Ephesians 2:19-22
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler May 21, 2023
2 Fear Not - Haggai 2:1-9
Series: Haggai: God Will Take Care of You
John Owen Butler May 14, 2023
17 For He Is Our Peace - Ephesians 2:14-18
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler May 14, 2023
01 The Lord Will Take Care of You - Haggai 1
Series: Haggai: God Will Take Care of You
John Owen Butler May 07, 2023
16 Formerly Far Off - Now Brought Near - Ephesians 2:11-13
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler May 07, 2023
3 Zephaniah 3 - He Will Rejoice Over You with Singing!
Series: Zephaniah - Mighty to Save!
John Owen Butler April 30, 2023
15 Saved By God's Grace - Ephesians 2:8-10
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 30, 2023
2 - Seek God NOW! - Zephaniah 2
Series: Zephaniah - Mighty to Save!
John Owen Butler April 23, 2023
14 But God... Ephesians 2:4-7
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 23, 2023
1 I Will Sweep Away Everything - Zephaniah 1
Series: Zephaniah - Mighty to Save!
John Owen Butler April 16, 2023
13 Dead in Sin - Ephesians 2:1-3
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 16, 2023
I Know That My Redeemer Lives - Job 19:23-29
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler April 09, 2023
12 Christ Over All - Ephesians 1:20-23
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 09, 2023
10 The Sons of Esau - Genesis 36:1-37:1
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler April 02, 2023
11 His Almighty Power At Work in You
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler April 02, 2023
09 Jacob in Canaan - Genesis 35
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler March 26, 2023
10 Paul's Prayer for the Ephesians - Ephesians 1:15-17
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 26, 2023
08 The Defiling of Dinah - Genesis 34
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler March 19, 2023
09 Ephesians 1:13-14 Sealed With the Spirit
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 19, 2023
07 The Reunion - Genesis 32-33
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler March 05, 2023
08 To the Praise of His Glory - Ephesians 1:11-12
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler March 05, 2023
06 The Exodus from Haran - Genesis 30:25-32:2
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler February 26, 2023
07 The Glorious Mystery Made Known - Ephesians 1:9-10
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 26, 2023
05 The Deceiver Deceived - Genesis 29:1-30:24
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler February 19, 2023
06 Redeemed Through His Blood - Ephesians 1:7-8
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 19, 2023
04 The Stairway to Heaven - Genesis 28:10-22
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler February 12, 2023
05 Predestine for Praise - Ephesians 1:5-6
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 12, 2023
03 Jacob and Esau - Genesis 26:34-28:5
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler February 05, 2023
04 Chosen in Him - Ephesians 1:4
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler February 05, 2023
03 Blessed Be God - Ephesians 1:3
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler January 29, 2023
02 Same God, Same Promises - Genesis 26
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler January 22, 2023
02 Your In-Christness - Ephesians 1:1b-2
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler January 22, 2023
01 Jacob and Esau - Genesis 25:19-34
Series: Genesis 25-36 -- Isaac - Jacob - Esau
John Owen Butler January 15, 2023
01 Ephesians 1:1a - Sent by the Will of God
Series: Ephesians: Blessed Be God
John Owen Butler January 15, 2023
17 The Death of Abraham - Genesis 25:1-18
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler January 08, 2023
112 Go! Matthew 28:16-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 08, 2023
16 A Wife for Isaac - Genesis 24
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler January 01, 2023
111 Christ Arose! Matthew 28:1-15
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 01, 2023
15 The Burial of Sarah - Genesis 23
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler December 25, 2022
To Us a Son Is Given - Isaiah 9:1-7
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 25, 2022
14 The Binding of Isaac - Genesis 22
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler December 18, 2022
110 Lo, In the Grave He Lay - Matthew 27:57-66
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 18, 2022
O Little Town of Bethlehem - Micah 5:1-5a
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 11, 2022
109 Where You There? Matthew 27:27-56
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 11, 2022
13 Isaac Set Apart - Genesis 21
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler December 04, 2022
108 Condemned in My Place He Stood - Matthew 27:11-26
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 04, 2022
12 An Old Sin Rears Its Head, Genesis 20:1-18
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler November 27, 2022
107 Remorse is not Repentance - Matthew 27:1-10
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 27, 2022
11 The Lord Rescues Lot - Genesis 19:1-38
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler November 13, 2022
106 Peter's Denials - Matthew 26'69-75
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 13, 2022
10 The Righteous Man Prays - Genesis 18:16-33
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler November 06, 2022
105 Jesus on Trial, Matthew 26:57-68
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 06, 2022
09 Is Anything Too Hard for the LORD? - Genesis 18:1-15
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler October 30, 2022
104 That Night on the Mount of Olives - Matthew 26'3`-56
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 30, 2022
08 The Sign of the Covenant - Genesis 17
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler October 16, 2022
103 The Last Passover - Matthew 26:14-30
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 16, 2022
07 When Faith Falters - Genesis 16
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler October 09, 2022
102 Lavish Love - Matthew 26:1-13
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 09, 2022
06 God's Covenant - Genesis 15:7-21
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler October 02, 2022
101 Inasmuch Matthew 25:31-46
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 02, 2022
05 Abram Believes God - Genesis 15:1-6
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler September 25, 2022
04 Abram Rescues Lot
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler September 04, 2022
99 The Wise and the Foolish Virgins - Matthew 25:1-13
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 04, 2022
03 Walking by Faith and Not by Sight - Genesis 13
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler August 28, 2022
98 The Olivet Discourse, Part 2 - Matthew 24:29-51
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 28, 2022
02 In Egypt - Genesis 12:10-20
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler August 21, 2022
97 The Olivet Discourse, Part 1 - Matthew 24:1-28
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 21, 2022
01 The Call of Abram - Genesis 12:1-9
Series: Father Abraham
John Owen Butler August 14, 2022
96 The hypocrisy of the Scribes & Pharisees Matthew 23:1-39
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 14, 2022
95 Loving God and our Neighbor - Matthew 22:34-46
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 31, 2022
19 From Shem to Abram - Genesis 11:10-32
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler July 24, 2022
94 Marriage, Heaven & The Power of God - Matthew 22:23-33
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 24, 2022
18 The Babble at Babel - Genesis 11'1-9
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler July 17, 2022
93 Paying our Due - Matthew 22:15-22
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 17, 2022
17 The Table of Nations - Genesis 10
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler July 10, 2022
92 The Parable of the Royal Wedding Feast - Matthew 22:1-14
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 10, 2022
16 The Curse on Caanan - Genesis 9:18-29
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler July 03, 2022
91 The Wicked Tenants and the Cornerstone - Matthew 21:33-46
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 03, 2022
15 The Sign in the Skies - Genesis 8:20-9:17
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler June 19, 2022
90 Promise AND Performance - Matthew 21:28-32
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 19, 2022
14 The Flood, Part 2 - Genesis 7:1-8:19
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler June 12, 2022
89 A Question of Authority - Matthew 21:23-27
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 12, 2022
13 Judgment Pronounced and Deliverance Proclaimed - Genesis 6:9-22
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler June 05, 2022
88 Fruitfulness and Faithfulness - Matthew 21:18-22
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 05, 2022
12 The Metastasizing Corruption - Genesis 6:1-8
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler May 29, 2022
87 The Cleansing of the Temple - Matthew 21:12-17
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 29, 2022
11 These are the Generations - Genesis 5
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler May 22, 2022
86 The Coming Messiah - Matthew 21:1-11
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 22, 2022
10 Murder Most Foul Genesis 4:8-26
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler May 15, 2022
85 Our Compassionate Savior - Matthew 20:29-34
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 15, 2022
09 Cain and Abel - Will Worship - Genesis 4:1-7
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler May 01, 2022
84 True Greatness - Matthew 20:17-28
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 01, 2022
Our Great Advocate - 1 John 2:1-2
Series: Non-Series Message
Tim Cook April 24, 2022
Our Qualified and Tested Savior - Mark 1:9-13
Series: Non-Series Message
Tim Cook April 24, 2022
The Resurrection: Witness to the Day of Judgment - Acts 17:16-34
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler April 17, 2022
08 The Fall, Part 2 - Genesis 3:8-24
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler April 10, 2022
83 The Gracious Master of the House - Matthew 20:1-16
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler April 10, 2022
07 The Fall, Part 1 Genesis 3:1-7
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler April 03, 2022
82 The Rich Young Man - Matthew 19:16-30
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler April 03, 2022
06 The Capstone of Creation - Genesis 2:18-25
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler March 27, 2022
81 Let the Little Children Come unto Me - Matthew 19:13-15
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler March 27, 2022
05 Everything for Life and Godliness - Genesis 2:4-17
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler March 20, 2022
80 Marriage: First Principles Matthew 19:1-12
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler March 20, 2022
The Lord Provides for His Servant - 1 Kings 17:1-16
Series: Non-Series Message
Mark Kuo March 14, 2022
Jesus Conquerors the Demons - Mark 5:1-20
Series: Non-Series Message
Mark Kuo March 14, 2022
04 The Sabbath Principle Genesis 2:1-3
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler March 06, 2022
79 Forgiveness Matthew 18:21-35
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler March 06, 2022
03 Genesis: Foundation - The Creation of Mankind Genesis 1:26-31
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler February 27, 2022
78 If Your Brother Sins - Matthew 18:15-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 27, 2022
02 The Creation Week, Part 1 Genesis 1:2-25
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler February 20, 2022
77 The Care of God's Children Matthew 18:10-14
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 20, 2022
01 Foundation - Genesis 1:1
Series: Genesis 1-11: Foundation
John Owen Butler February 13, 2022
76 As A Little Child Matthew 18:1-9
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 13, 2022
Psalm 134 The Psalms of Ascents
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler February 06, 2022
75 Taxes and Fish Matthew 17:24-27
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 06, 2022
74 A Deficit of Faith - Matthew 17:14-23
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 30, 2022
Psalm 133 - Behold How Good A Thing It Is
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler January 23, 2022
73 A Glimpse of Glory Matthew 17:1-13
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 23, 2022
Psalm 132 - The Psalms of Ascents
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler January 09, 2022
72 Foreshadows of the Cross Matthew 16:21-28
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 09, 2022
Psalm 131 The Psalms of Ascents
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler January 02, 2022
71 Who Do You Say That I Am? Matthew 16:13-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 02, 2022
Psalm 130 The Psalms of Ascents
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler December 26, 2021
70 The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees Matthew 16:1-12
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 26, 2021
Psalm 129 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler December 19, 2021
The Branch Isaiah 11:1-10
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 19, 2021
69 The Feeding of the 4000 Matthew 15'29-39
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 12, 2021
Psalm 128 - The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler December 05, 2021
68 A Great Faith Matthew 15'21-28
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 05, 2021
Psalm 127 - The Psalms of Ascen
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
Unknown November 29, 2021
67 A Matther of the Heart Matthew 15'1-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
Unknown November 29, 2021
66 Walking with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee Matthew 14'22-36
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 21, 2021
Psalm 126 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler November 14, 2021
65 The Feeding of the 5000 Matthew 14:13-21
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 14, 2021
Psalm 125 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler November 07, 2021
64 The Cost of Discipleship Matthew 14'1-12
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 07, 2021
Psalm 124 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler October 31, 2021
63 A Prophet Without Honor Matthew 13:51-58
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
Unknown October 31, 2021
Psalm 123 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler October 24, 2021
62 Treasures and Trash Matthew 13'44-50
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 24, 2021
Psalm 122 - The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler October 17, 2021
61 Weeds-Mustard Seeds-and Yeast Matthew 13'24-43
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 17, 2021
Psalm 121 The Psalms of Ascent.mp3
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler October 10, 2021
60 The Sower, The Seed, and the Soils Matthew 13:1-23
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 10, 2021
Psalm 120 The Psalms of Ascent
Series: The Psalms of Ascent
John Owen Butler October 03, 2021
59 A Christian's Family Matthew 12:46-50
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 03, 2021
15After Daniel 12:5-13
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler September 26, 2021
58 Signs and Spirits Matthew 12'38-45
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 26, 2021
14 The End is Near Daniel 11'36-12'4
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler September 19, 2021
57 Division Matthew 12:22-37
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 19, 2021
13 The Days Ahead Daniel 11:1-35
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler September 12, 2021
56 True Servant Matthew 12:15-21
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 12, 2021
12 Angels and Demons Daniel 10
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler September 05, 2021
55 True Sabbath Matthew 12'1-14
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 05, 2021
54 True Rest Matthew 11'25-30
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 29, 2021
11 The Seventy Sevens Daniel 9'20-27
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler August 22, 2021
53 Jesus - Authoratative Judge Matthew 11'20-24
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 22, 2021
10 Daniel Prays Daniel 9'1-19
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler August 15, 2021
52 Doubts Resolved Matthew 11'1-19
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 15, 2021
09 God's Sovereignty Daniel 8
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler August 08, 2021
51 The Enemy We Face Matthew 10'16-42
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 08, 2021
08 Apocalypse When? - Daniel 7
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler July 25, 2021
50 The First Missionaries Matthew 10:1-15
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 25, 2021
07 Daniel Delivered Daniel 6
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler July 18, 2021
49 The Compassion of Jesus - Matthew 9'35-38
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 18, 2021
06 Weighed and Found Wanting Daniel 5
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler July 11, 2021
48 One Blessed Thing After Another Matthew 9'14-34
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 11, 2021
05 Humble Yourself in the Sight of the Lord Daniel 4
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler June 27, 2021
47 Not the Righteous - Sinners Jesus Came To Save Matthew 9'9-13
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 27, 2021
04 Who Will You Worship Daniel 3
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler June 20, 2021
46 Jesus - The Authority To Forgive Sins Matthew 9'1-8
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 20, 2021
05 Old Paths for New Days Pt 2 Psalm 78
Series: LPC's Bicentennial Celebration
Dr. C. N. Willborn June 13, 2021
04 Old Paths for New Days Pt 1 Psalm 78
Series: LPC's Bicentennial Celebration
Dr. C. N. Willborn June 13, 2021
03 History Lecture- Upcountry Presbyterianism and Lebanon Presbyterian Church
Series: LPC's Bicentennial Celebration
Dr. C. N. Willborn June 12, 2021
02 The Fullness of Gospel Salvation 2 Samuel 9
Series: LPC's Bicentennial Celebration
Dr C. N. Willborn June 11, 2021
01 The Name That Saves Acts 4'1-11
Series: LPC's Bicentennial Celebration
Dr. C. N. Willborn June 10, 2021
03 Mysteries Revealed Daniel 2'24-49
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler June 06, 2021
45 Jesus: Ruler Over The Domain Of Darkness Matthew 8:28-34
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 06, 2021
02 Mysteries Pt 1 Daniel 2'1-23
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler May 16, 2021
44 Jesus, Ruler of the Physical Universe Matthew 8:23-27
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 16, 2021
01 Serving God in Difficult Circumstances Daniel 1
Series: The Book of Daniel
John Owen Butler May 09, 2021
43 The Cost of Discipleship Pt 1 Matthew 8'18-22
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 09, 2021
14 Joseph: Hope Genesis 50:22-26
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler May 02, 2021
42 Jesus the Healer Matthew 8:1-17
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler May 02, 2021
13 Joseph-Intentions Gen 49'29-50'21
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler April 25, 2021
41 The Solid Rock Matthew 7'21-29
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler April 25, 2021
12 Joseph-Blessing, Part 2 Genesis 49'1-27
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler April 18, 2021
40 A Tale of Two Trees Matthew 7:15-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler April 18, 2021
11 Joseph - Blessing, Pt 1 Genesis 47'27-48'22
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler April 11, 2021
39 Enter by the Narrow Gate Matthew 7:13-14
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler April 11, 2021
Evidences and Consequences 1 Corinthians 15'1-11
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler April 04, 2021
03-14-2021PM Obadiah 1-21 Flavien Pardigon
Series: Non-Series Message
Dr Flavien Pardigon March 14, 2021
03-14-2021AM 1 Peter 3'1-12 Flavien Pardigon.
Series: Non-Series Message
Dr Flavien Pardigon March 14, 2021
10 Joseph-Refuge Genesis 46'31-47'26
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler March 07, 2021
38 Do Unto Others Matthew 7:12
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler March 07, 2021
09 Joseph - Father Genesis 45'16-46'30.
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler February 28, 2021
37 Ask Seek Knock Matthew 7:7-11
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 28, 2021
08 Joseph - Brothers pt 2 Genesis 43'1-4'15.mp3
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler February 21, 2021
36 Judging Others Matthew 7:1-6
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 21, 2021
07 Joseph: Brothers, pt 1 Genesis 42
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler February 14, 2021
35 What About Worry Matthew 6:22-34
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 14, 2021
06 Joseph: Exalted Genesis 41:37-57
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler February 07, 2021
34 A Tale of Two Treasures Matthew 6:19-21
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler February 07, 2021
05 Joseph- A Rescue Plan Genesis 41'1-36.
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler January 31, 2021
33 Duties of Righteousness - Fasting Matthew 6'1, 16-18.
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 31, 2021
04 Joseph: Forgotten Genesis 40
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler January 24, 2021
32 A Confession of our Faith Matthew 6:13b
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 24, 2021
03 Joseph: Falsely Accused
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler January 17, 2021
31 Lead Us Not Into Temptation Matthew 6'13
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 17, 2021
02 Joseph-Betrayed Genesis 37'12ff.mp3
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler January 10, 2021
30 Forgive us our debts Matthew 6'12 14-15
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 10, 2021
01 Joseph: Hated Genesis 37:1-11
Series: The Life of Joseph
John Owen Butler January 03, 2021
29 Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Matthew 6:11
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler January 03, 2021
Our Exalted Head - Revelation 1'9-20.
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 27, 2020
28 Your Will Be Done Matthew 6'10b
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 27, 2020
The Seven-Fold Name Isaiah 9:1-7
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 20, 2020
The Purposes of God - Micah 5'1-5 Luke 2'1-14
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler December 20, 2020
27 Your Kingdome Come Matthew 6'10a
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler December 13, 2020
06 The Prophet Pouts Jonah 4
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler November 29, 2020
26 Hallowed Be Thy Name Matthew 6'9b
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 29, 2020
25 Our Father in Heaven Matthew 6'9
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 22, 2020
5 Nineveh Repents - God Relents Jonah 3
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler November 15, 2020
24 The Duties of Righteousness: Prayer Matthew 6:5-8
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 15, 2020
04 The God of Second Chances Jonah 3:1-3a
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler November 08, 2020
23 The Duties of Righteousness: Giving Matthew 6:1-4
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 08, 2020
03 The Prayer from the Pit Jonah 1:17-2:10
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler November 01, 2020
22 Loving the Unloveable Matthew 5:43-48
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler November 01, 2020
02 The Prophet Ditched Jonah 1:4-16
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler October 25, 2020
21 Retribution and Grace Matthew 5:38-42
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 25, 2020
01 The Prophet Panics Jonah 1:1-3
Series: Jonah: Not A Fish Story
John Owen Butler October 18, 2020
20 Keep Your Word Matthew 5:33-37
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 18, 2020
19 Don't Lose Your Edge Joshua 23-24
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler October 11, 2020
19 Marriage: Sacred and Binding Matthew 5:31-32
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 11, 2020
18 Uh-Oh - Or Not Joshua 22
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler October 04, 2020
18 Eyes and Hearts Matthew 5:27-30
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler October 04, 2020
17 Setting Up Shop Joshua 20-21
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler September 27, 2020
17 Anger Management Matthew 5:21-26
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 27, 2020
16 Location Location Location Joshua 18-19
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler September 20, 2020
16 Jesus Fulfills the Law Matthew 5'17-20
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 20, 2020
15 Sickening Cycles Joshua 16-17
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler September 13, 2020
15 A Life That Matters Matthew 5:13-16
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 13, 2020
14 Promises Promises Joshua 15
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler September 06, 2020
14 Blessed are those persecuted for righteousness sake Matthew 5'10-12
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler September 06, 2020
13 Joshua 14 An Example of Faith and Action
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler August 30, 2020
13 Matthew 5'9 Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 30, 2020
12 Receiving our Inheritance Joshua 13
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler August 23, 2020
12 Blessed are the Pure in Heart Matthew 5:8
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 23, 2020
11 Joshua 12 Our Faithful God
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler August 16, 2020
11 Matthew 5:7 Blessed Are The Merciful
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 16, 2020
10 Joshua 11 The Sufficiency of God's Sovereignty
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler August 09, 2020
10 Mathew 5'6 The Righteousness That Satisfies
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 09, 2020
09 Johsua 10 The Source of Salvation
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler August 02, 2020
09 Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the Meek
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler August 02, 2020
08 Joshua 9 Don't Judge A Book By its Cover
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler July 26, 2020
08 Matthew 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 26, 2020
07 Joshua 8 Combat and Covenant
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler July 19, 2020
07 Matthew 5:1-3 Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 19, 2020
06 Johsua 7 Sin in the Camp
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler July 12, 2020
06 Matthew 4:12-25 The Beginning of His Ministry
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 12, 2020
05 Joshua 5'13-6'27 Joshua Didn't Fight the Battle of Jericho
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler July 05, 2020
05 Matthew 4:1-11 The Savior Tempted
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler July 05, 2020
04 Joshua 4'1-5'12 Do This In Remembrance of Me
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler June 28, 2020
04 Matthew 3 The Forerunner
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 28, 2020
03 Joshua 3 Take Me To The River
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler June 21, 2020
03 Matthew 2 Christ is Born in Bethlehem
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 21, 2020
02 Joshua 2 Faith In An Unexpected Place
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler June 14, 2020
02. Matthew 1:18-25 The Birth Foretold
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 14, 2020
01. Joshua 1 - The Promise of God
Series: Joshua: Be Strong and Courageous!
John Owen Butler June 07, 2020
01. The Family Tree Matthew 1:1-17
Series: Matthew: The Gospel of the Kingdom
John Owen Butler June 07, 2020
The Savior's Great Salvation
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler May 31, 2020
Until He Has Mercy on Us -- Psalm 123
Series: Non-Series Message
John Owen Butler May 31, 2020

Content Copyright Belongs to Lebanon Presbyterian Church