Sermons & Episodes

A View From Above

Feed the Fish

Clean the Tank

The Price of Love

The Expression of Love

The Chance to Love

The Rhythm of Love

Theres Joy In Giving

Invest In Others

Giving Can Make You Rich

Dont Let Your Possessions Own You

Narnia - The Lion, THe Witch and the Wardrobe 3 - The Stone Table is Broken - Encountering the power of redemption in the Lord of Life

Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 2 - The Problem with Turkish Delight - Being honest about the power of temptation in our lives

Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe 1 - What if it was always winter but never Christmas ? - Finding hope in a world that's cold

Whose Fault is Our Temptation?

How to Go to Hell

Taming the Tongue

How to Say No to Temptation

Beverly Goodman Testimony