Sermons & Episodes

Justification and Eternal Security (Romans 5:1-21)

The Alternative Lifestyle: Treasures in Heaven

Old Testament Interpretation:Grammatical Criticism

Justification by Faith (Romans 3:21-4:25)


Fall Retreat: Part 1 (Psalm 37)

Old Testament Interpretation: Historical Criticism

Under Sin (Romans 3:1-20)

Old Testament Interpretation:Textual Criticism

Let's Pretend (Romans 2:17-29)

Old Testament Interpretation:Exegesis

The Alternative Lifestyle: Committed

The Alternative Lifestyle: The Heart of the Matter

The Alternative Lifestyle: Jesus Christ, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth

How a Righteous God Judges a Sinful Man - Part 2 (Romans 2:1-16)

How a Righteous God Judges a Sinful Man - Part 1 (Romans 2:1-16)

Big God Big City: Growth

Big God Big City: Global

Fantastic Faith