Matching the Term: "Sorrow"
Jesus was ThirtySomething: The Secret Sorrow
Randy Boldt
Breakthrough Qualification
Ronald K. Powell, PhD, Th.D.
When trials come, our Lord is listening, and your qualification for a Breakthrough is based on the type of praises lifted to Him in your storm. Not all Breakthroughs are eternal, yet each Breakthrough has its own reward either in this life or the life to come.
Don't Waste Your Pain
Chadwick King
Even in Jesus' sorrow, He was willing to give. He was willing to serve. He was willing to reach out.
MASK (Coming Clean & Getting Real) - Message 1
Chuck Bernal, Lead Pastor - LifePointe Church - http://pointe.us/
This is the first message in Pastor Chuck Bernal's series, "UNCHAINED" (Breaking Free From The Pain, The Power And The Prison Of The Past). The message is titled, "MASK - Coming Clean And Getting Real". In this message Pastor Chuck talks about the meaning behind the word "hypocrite" (mask wearer) and why it is important to take off our masks in order to be set free from the past issues that hold us back and weigh us down. By getting real and coming clean, with God's help we can find the path toward healing and wholeness. This message was delivered...
Root of all evil.
Garry Adkins
The Bible declares that "the love of money is the root of all evil"(I Tim 6:10). We must come to trust in Christ to supply every need that we have. Proverbs 10:22 "The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and He adds no sorrow to it"
The Blessings of Sorrow
Randy Taylor, Jr.
John 16.16-33
Jeff Harrington
In this text as His disciples face fast changing circumstances Jesus clarifies the temporariness of sorrow and pain, reassures them of His Father's love, and tells them where real peace and rest is located.
Genuine Repentance
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
• Last week we spoke on “sinful security.” This is a false security that believes in a Historical Jesus and assumes that since Jesus died for their sins that they can live in the old Adamic nature without repentance from that old nature and truly not having been born again are consequently still lost and in their sin. • The Truly Born again have been changed and abhor the old man and his ways. Today's installment will deal with the issue of Genuine Repentance, taking out text from 2 Corinthians 7:10-11.
When I've Sinned
Norman Viss
Psalm 51 is a personal lament after grievous sin. Find out how God turns deep sorrow over sin into deep good for mankind.
The Miracle Of Mercy - Part 3 - God's Mercy & My Failures
Chuck Bernal, Lead Pastor - LifePointe Church - http://pointe.us/
This message is Part 3 of the series “The Miracle Of Mercy” by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message Pastor Chuck talks about “God’s Mercy & Our Failures”. Our God is a God of second chances and fresh starts. The truth is WE HAVE ALL FAILED in some way, at some time in some context - and we ALL need God's mercy to move past our past. Some of us are still weighed down by our failure(s) and we need to be set free once and for all. Here's the good news, you do not have to be defined, defeated...
Part 3- He Came to Sympathize with us (Hebrews 2,4)
Jeff Brower
How human was Jesus when he was born on this earth? If he was God at the same time, did he really feel and experience the same things we as humans feel or, was he just kinda pretending like Superman disguised as Clark Kent? Join us in our study as we discuss the mystery of what theologians call the "Hypo-static Union" In this study, we will discover an amazing application to How God relates to us when we are struggling with sin and temptation, suffering and sorrow.
Seven Churches - Part 7a
Brad Shockley
Grace and Peace - Part 7
Brad Shockley
A River Runs Through It - a vision for when all you see is problems
Langdon Palmer
Ever look out at life, and everywhere you look you see problems? It is fair to ask in such moments – “Where is God in the midst of all this ?” Today we look at fascinating verse in John chapter 10 that is often overlooked and yet yeilds a clue and a promise for a way to see life that is honest, true, but also incredibility empowering and assuring. Join us for this podcast as Pastor Langdon gives us an empowering way to see and act in this unpredictable, problem-strewn thing we call life. Meditate on the image for this...
Blessed Assurance - Oct 27, 2010
Sermon. Ever had so much to deal with at one time that you thought you were not going to be able to make it? Ever been overwhelmed to the point of sorrow? If so know that our God does not give insurance, he gives ASSURANCE. Listen to discover the difference.
Sermon for Trinity's 125th Anniversary
Pastor Thomas Christopher
Philippians 2:21-30 - Reformation Sunday - Jonathan Moore
Jonathan Moore
Philippians 2:21-30: "For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. 22But you know Timothy's proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel. 23I hope therefore to send him just as soon as I see how it will go with me, 24and I trust in the Lord that shortly I myself will come also. 25I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need, 26for he has been longing for you all...
Spirit of Freedom – Character of God
Bishop Ronald K. Powell
In today's teaching Bishop Ronald K. Powell teaches on the character of God, the ability to have it in our lives and the outworking of that character in all we do. Listen in to this very insightful Kingdom message.