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The Enneagram and the life of Faith

The Enneagram and the life of Faith

Ever wonder what makes you tick, why you do the things you do? Many of us would say “I like who I am at my best but despise who I am at my worst.” With its roots in the ancient church, the Enneagram is like a spiritual Myers-Briggs personality test that helps you see not only which deadly sins you are most vulnerable to, but also what particular strengths and beauty God has wired into your unique personality. It helps you understand the things that are really motivating you. John Calvin said “without knowledge of the self, there is no knowledge of God.” If I know the Bible inside out but don’t know myself, I will misapply God’s word to myself and others. This nine week, scripture based sermon series is for people “who want to get out of their own way and become who they were created to be….” For more resources go to https://levpres.org/enneagram-and-christianity-resources/

Title Speaker Date
An Enneagram Easter Langdon Palmer April 12, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 7 - The Enthusiast Langdon Palmer April 05, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 6- The Loyalist Langdon Palmer March 29, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 5 - The Investigator Langdon Palmer March 22, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 4 - The Romantic Langdon Palmer March 15, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 3 - The Performer Langdon Palmer March 08, 2020
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 2 - The Helper Langdon Palmer March 01, 2020
Christianity and Enneagram Podcast Number 1 - The Perfectionist Langdon Palmer February 23, 2020
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 9 – The Peacemaker Langdon Palmer February 16, 2020
Christianity and the Enneagram Podcast Number 8 - The Challenger Langdon Palmer February 09, 2020

Content Copyright Belongs to Langdon Palmer