Matching the Term: "Salvation"
The Salvation Of God
Pastor Jack Ward
Lots of things offer salvation. Governments offer salvation from oppression. Products offer salvation from unsightly stains. We can be saved from debt, saved from pain by doctors, saved from stress by vacations, saved from losing by picking a better team, saved from bad decisions when someone bails us out, saved from death by a miracle drug or skilled surgeon or a safe car. But what is the salvation of God?
Rev. Dennis R. Hartman
The Apostle Paul made this statement concerning the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news to all who will hear and respond, I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes! This morning we are going to review briefly what the scripture says concerning our salvation. We want to be reminded that our salvation is on the basis of faith. Faith has two parts the hearing and the doing. It is important for us to see these things.
Can I Lose My Salvation? Hebrews 6
Dr. Matthew Harding
In Hebrews 6, one of the most controversial passages in the N.T. concerning assurance of salvation, we dive in the text to understand the full context that this passage deals with Jewish seekers who have been exposed to gospel and the work of God around them as Jews, and yet these still rejected Jesus as Messiah. Therefore, the text shows that if one rejects Jesus, there is no salvation possible. Listen and discover what this passage teaches Believers who have truly accepted Jesus and the eternal assurance God gives to His children.
Work Out Your Salvation
Rev. Dennis R. Hartman
When our children were growing up we wanted them to follow our command. Not because we wanted them to be slaves, but because we wanted them to be protected and grow up to be adults. If we used the command for them to stop, it might be what saves their life by not running out into the street and get hit by a car. If we said, don't touch that, we may not want them to get hurt. As Paul writes to the Philippians, he uses several commands like the one in this passage. He tells them and us, to...
Spiritual Warfare Part 6- Helmet of Salvation (Ephesians 6:17)
Jeff Brower
When you put a helmet on, you typically don't put it on to go hide in a corner, but you put it on to go do something that would cause you damage if you didn't have it on. So, what about the helmet of Salvation? Join us as we discuss the topic of Salvation and talk about how it really does protect us against the schemes of the Devil.
Salvation Is a Way of Life
David Wood
Together, 1 & 2 Peter form a combination of encouragement and guidance for believers. The book of 1 Peter encourages the early church to endure persecution well and to reflect hope in Christ during suffering, while 2 Peter offers guidance to stay true to promise that God has given us, even during times of difficulty as we remain faithful to the Lord. Though separated by centuries, the difficulties that were facing Peter’s readers are very similar to what Christians are facing throughout the world today, and we need similar encouragement and guidance to remain faithful to the Lord in our...
Garry Adkins
Salvation is being delivered, rescued, and healed, from the bondage of sin. Are you bound today by sin, addiction, or sickness? If so, the good news is "Today is the day of SALVATION" For you!
Salvation is Through the Jews
Andrew Carter
This message considers why the Samaritans received salvation in two stages. It seems that they had to be connected to events in Jerusalem before they received the Spirit.
Salvation - 1 Peter 1:3-12 Sermon
Rev. Jessica Johnson
This sermon explores the topic of salvation by examining 1 Peter 1:3-12.
The Lamb's Salvation, Revelation 7:1-17
Pastor Wally Kelly
Buffalo Baptist Church, Pastor Wally Kelly, The Lamb's Salvation, Revelation 7:1-17, December 18 2016
Bread of Life (with Salvation Army Intro)
Pastor Jim Apgar
Lt. Kathryn Alban from Sussex County Salvation Army delivers a brief overview of what they do in our area as well as a message about Eph. 2:1-10 and Matt. 25:25-46. Pastor Jim preaches on John 6:22-34
Plug-in to the Power of Salvation
Pastor Scott Ingram
Many have no idea of the healing power of being forgiven for your sins. All men everywhere now have an opportunity to be saved by God's grace! Will you plug in to the power of salvation? SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PastorScott... Watch "Go Ye Into All The World" on TV! Check our Church Facebook page for TV listings and join us for Worship: https://www.facebook.com/omegabapt/ Connect with Pastor Scott on FB & Twitter: https://www.facebook.com/scottlingram https://twitter.com/ScottLIngram
the Price of your Salvation, Oct 13 2019
Pastor David Kuhfal
Horn of Salvation
Pastor Garry Adkins
In Luke Ch.1 Zacharias prophesied concerning Jesus, and referring to Him as the "Horn of Salvation". Horns in the Old Testament were used in three ways, 1-Horns on the Altar 2- Horns were used the carry the Anointing Oil 3- Horns were hollowed out and made trumpets. Listen as Pastor Garry teaches us how Christ fulfilled all three!!!
Salvation's Plan pt2
Troy A. Northrop
TRUTH TALKS - Is Baptism necessary for salvation? 5/9/16
Rev. Sam Schmidt
TRUTH TALKS is a brief, devotional led by Rev. Sam Schmidt about various issues relating to Scripture, the world, God, and their interpretation. This episode examines the famous, controversial question, "Is Baptism necessary for salvation?"
The Day of Salvation
Clark Alcock shares his message "The Day of Salvation" at Grace Vineyard Beach Campus morning service.
Salvation is for everyone
Pastor Chris DeLong
Salvation for the Lost
Rev. Dennis R. Hartman
Again we are reminded that we are approaching the time of year where the message of redemption was played out in the world. It is a time that should shape our thinking and actions to remember and honor our God instead the world's message. We also said that the world's message of spring overshadows this high and holy time for those who live by faith in the Lord Jesus, in whom is our hope! So it is my duty and joy to remind you that as we move toward the remembrance of Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, we want to...
Salvation Foretold
Paul Dickerson
Join us in a study of the Books of Peter. This week we take a look in as Peter talks about salvation from a very different view point. This is a subject most of us have never taken as seriously as the Old Testament Prophets and the Apostles. Join us for this eye opening view.