Matching the Term: "Salvation"
How Sin and Salvation Can Co-exist (Romans 7)
Charles Hampton
The Will of God in Salvation (Jonah)
Dean Sisk
What Does Grace Have to Do With Salvation?
Greg Belser
Ephesians 1:3-8; Ephesians 2;1-9; Romans 4;13
Can A Person Lose Their Salvation?
Terry Ledbetter
Allegorical Truth
Pastor Scott Johnson
This Palm Sunday Pastor Johnson teaches us to allegorical parallels between Jesus life on earth and our relationship with Christ from Salvation
There's An App For That Part 5. Sowing and Reaping
Pastor Brian Hurst
Hebrews: The Way of Salvation
Randy Boldt
Forefront Mentality
Pastor Paul McCulloch
Matthew 25 "The difference between Salvation & Discipleship"
Don't Try To Put Lipstick On That Pig
Scott Johnson
Pastor Scott Johnson reminds us that we are only good through the perfecting performed on us by Jesus Christ. And this perfecting starts with salvation.
Water Baptism
Scott Johnson
This week Pastor Scott Johnson teaches us the importance of baptism as the Bible states it.
Walls of Victory
Ps. Brian Drysdale
God has walls of His protection and influence around His city. Learn from Nehemiah what our job is in building and repairing these walls in order for salvation and restoration in our city.
Working Out Your Salvation
Dr. Jerry Harmon
Let Go and Let the Fruit Grow
Ps. Tina Drysdale
It's true...Believers have baggage! Gasp!! Ps. Tina explains what happens to us at the moment of salvation and what happens to the baggage from our past when we encounter Jesus. This message includes a tool with steps that you can use to recognize some of this baggage from your past and deal with it. When baggage is left unattended to it hinders Believers from properly developing the fruit of the Spirit. Lets deal with the baggage so we can grow into the Believers Jesus is calling us to be.
Christ: The Ark of Salvation
Dr. Jerry Harmon
Hebrews Chapter 5 - Eeyore and Tigger meet the Author of Salvation
Langdon Palmer
Is the glass half empty or is the glass half full? We often talk alot about optimists and pessimists. It turns out they not only see life differently, they do life differently. Find out what a difference it makes, and how following Jesus can actually change the way we look at life and therefore change the way we do life.
Shake Off the Viper
Pastor Paul McCulloch
Acts 28 - Acts 28:28 "Let it be known to you that salvation has been sent by God & we will hear it!" v.31 "Paul preached the Kingdom of God & teaching the things which concern the LORD JESUS CHRIST with all confidence, no one forbidding him."