Tom Van Gorkom

Title Speaker Date
Gifted And Equipped (1 Corinthians 12)
Series: Stand Alone Sermon
Tom Van Gorkom October 16, 2016
Mission Emphasis Series: Bible Translation
Series: Second Session
Tom Van Gorkom May 07, 2017
Warning Against Sin (Hebrews 10:26-39)
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Tom Van Gorkom July 15, 2018
The Gift Of Endurance (Hebrews 12:1-4) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Hebrews
Tom Van Gorkom December 09, 2018
Galatians Series #2 Purpose and Blessing (Galatians 1:1-5) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Galatians
Tom Van Gorkom May 12, 2019
Galatians Series #9 Did You Experience Christ By Faith Or Works? (Galatians 3:1-7) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Galatians
Tom Van Gorkom June 30, 2019
Galatians Series #18 Declaration of Freedom (Galatians 5:1-12) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Galatians
Tom Van Gorkom September 15, 2019
Galatians Series #22 Bear each others burdens (Galatians 5:25 - 6:5) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Galatians
Tom Van Gorkom October 20, 2019
#2 The Branch: Hope In A Man (Zechariah 6:9-15). - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Branch
Tom Van Gorkom December 08, 2019
Acts Series #8: A Movement That Began Long Ago (Acts 3:17-26) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Acts
Tom Van Gorkom April 05, 2020
Acts Series #36: Dealing With Jealousy (Acts 17:1-15) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Acts
Tom Van Gorkom December 13, 2020
Acts Series #45: Resolute Integrity in Ministry (Acts 20:17-38) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Acts
Tom Van Gorkom March 21, 2021
Thessalonians Series #13: Living in the Light (1 Thessalonians 5:8-11) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Books of 1st and 2nd Thessalonians
Tom Van Gorkom October 24, 2021
Ecclesiastes Series #5: Toil: Meaningless to Meaningful (Ecclesiastes 2:18-26) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Ecclesiastes
Tom Van Gorkom May 08, 2022
Exodus Series #8: God, I Will Serve You Unless It Makes Me Uncomfortable (Exodus 4:10-17) - Tom Van Gorkom
Series: The Book of Exodus
Tom Van Gorkom November 26, 2023
Tom VanGorkom (Exodus 18:13-27) - We Cannot Do It Alone
Series: The Book of Exodus
Tom Van Gorkom July 14, 2024
Tom Van Gorkom (Exodus 20:1-20) The Ten Commandments - Introduction
Series: The Book of Exodus
Tom Van Gorkom September 01, 2024

Content Copyright Belongs to Redeemer Bible Church of the Valley