Redeemer Bible Church of the Valley is located in Alamo, TX. We exist because Christ became a man, lived the life we could not live, and died the death we could not die for our sin. Jesus was a man on mission—the ultimate missionary—coming to give people hope and bring sinners back home to God. Because of His life and His mission, we long to make His name known and to obey Jesus’ call to “make disciples.” It is our joy and our desire to learn about our Father and Christ through His word and then live out what we have learned by committing our lives to God and others. We hope that through Redeemer Bible Church we can bring much glory to God in South Texas and expand His kingdom by making much of Christ together, loving our community, and seeing others come to know Jesus. >>>>><<<<< It is our hope and prayer that the content you find here will draw you closer to Christ. Please direct any questions you may have to >>>>><<<<< If you have any issues with the recordings, please email and include the audio title and the issue you had in your email.

Content Copyright Belongs to Redeemer Bible Church of the Valley