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Jacob: Discerning the Presence of God

Jacob: Discerning the Presence of God

These stories will look at a man who was at odds with his family for most of his life. Jacob was born into God’s promise that had been given to his grandfather, Abraham, and his father, Isaac. Unlike many people of the Bible, much of Jacob’s journey was the opposite of what God desires for His children. God is always present in Jacob’s life, but Jacob doesn’t see it that way. In Jacob’s poor decision-making, rebellion, deceitfulness, and painful struggles, we see ourselves—either who we are, who we were, or who we could become. In the process, we learn that God does not give up on people, and that His purposes are not dependent on us discerning His presence or acting upon His will. However, when we do respond in obedience, we experience the richness of His presence on the journey. When we are what God meant for us to be—people who live as those who truly know Him through Christ—we become something much greater than we could have ever been on our own.

Title Speaker Date
Walking by Faith Tom and Paula Graves October 11, 2019
Continue in Prayer and Praise Tom and Paula Graves October 19, 2019
The Mercy of God Tom and Paula Graves October 25, 2019
The Blessings of Trusting God Tom and Paula Graves November 08, 2019
God Faithfully Pursues Us Tom and Paula Graves November 08, 2019
A Journey of Refinement Tom and Paula Graves November 15, 2019
Relying on God Tom and Paula Graves November 22, 2019
Insight into the Heart of God Tom and Paula Graves November 22, 2019
The Love and Faithfulness of God Tom and Paula Graves December 07, 2019
Maturing in Real Faith Tom and Paula Graves December 14, 2019
God is Faithful Tom and Paula Graves December 20, 2019

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