Which Side Are You On? (Part 2)

February 18, 2025
Bob Biermann

On yesterday’s broadcast, Bob asked the question being asked by today’s Democrats “Which side are you on?” It’s a remarkable question as it is increasingly obvious that the global political left (which includes most globalists) is not on the side of the people they are supposed to serve. They prove it, not just by their actions, but even proclaim it without shame with their own words. Bob sheds some light on this very dark subject. Do you believe in this ministry? If you do, you can support us by keeping us on the air as a radio program and podcast by visiting our website, https://truth2ponder.com/support. You can also mail a check payable to Ancient Word Radio to P.O. Box 510, Chilhowie, VA 24319. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to this ministry. To support this radio program and podcast please visit https://truth2ponder.com/support.

Episode Notes

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