Sin in the Camp…

September 16, 2024
Rev. Bob Biermann

For some people beginning a new week can be difficult and challenging. Mondays are often not the easiest day of the week. For Christians, knowing we face a sinful and evil world can add to that stress. The truth is, in many aspects of our lives, we have allowed “Sin in the Camp” whether we realize it or not. Even in “so-called” conservative areas the wolves are among the sheep. From political leaders to those in charge of our public schools, and sadly, even the church, it’s time to be wise and take appropriate action. In addition, stop following false Prophets who are in it for a profit. Now, do you believe in this ministry? If you do, you can keep us on the air as a radio program and podcast by visiting our website, You can also mail a check payable to Ancient Word Radio, P.O. Box 510, Chilhowie, VA 24319. Thank you in advance for your faithfulness to this ministry.

Episode Notes

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