Welcome to The King's Forge. This podcast is the concept of David Martin, Randy Frame, and Mike Martin, led by the guidance of GOD's Word and HIS Holy Spirit. The King's Forge is where GOD, the master craftsman, refines, purifies, reinforces, molds, shapes, and strengthens us to be HIS ultimate masterpiece. The goal is to see Christians become more like Jesus, our example of perfection and the Christian ideal. The furnace of the forge is where the fire resides. Where we learn from HIS word the plans HE has made for each of us. Levitially speaking, Fire in the Bible symbolizes God's Presence. The Furnace segments are intended to help manifest the presence of God in our lives more clearly through the study of God's word. The crucible contains the melted material being worked on in a forge. It is in a state of transformation. The Crucible segments highlight Biblical topics that foster true change as we apply what we learn to our lives. Each segment melts away our old selves as we become more and more akin to our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. Sharpening Iron is a genuine discussion on Biblical topics where we can hammer out how to be a light to a broken world and learn to "live" our faith. We each bring our insights to the discussion table while endeavoring to shed the baggage of our preconceived notions to look at scripture with "NEW" eyes and allow the Word of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit to transform our minds while following the Biblical instruction to "not forsake the gathering of yourselves together". You're invited to continue to join us in the Forge to see what God is building. We would love to hear from you. Our Email address is 1kingsforge@gmail.com.

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