The gospel calls you to have the mind that longs for heaven
Series: The Book Of 2 Corinthians
July 03, 2021
Besweri Walujjo
The gospel calls you to have the mind that longs for heaven. 2 Corinth 5:1-10 1. You should be longing for heaven. 2 Corinth 5:1-9 1 Corinth 6:19-20, John 14:21, Corinth 15:53-56, John 6:22-27 (26-27), Phil 2:21 2. You will appear before the judgement seat. 2 Corinthians 5:10. Ephesian 2:8-10,John 5:25, Luke 21:36, Rev 22:12, Romans 14:10. Response Questions Qns 1. What has or will or is happening to the tent which is our earthly home? 2. Why should we groan to be home with Jesus? 3. What do you learn from verse 6-8? 4. What is the reason for appearing before God? 5. Are you ready to show up before? If yes, why are you sure? 6. How is a person saved?
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