Matching the Term: "Repentance"
The Holiness of God and repentance
Steve Porter
Arne Alava
The Doctor's Gospel: Repentance
Randy Boldt
Breakthrough (Our Significance)
Pastor Paul McCulloch
John 21:25; John 14:12; John 3:13; Ephesians 2:6; Revelation 4:1; Ephesians 1:3; Ephesians :19-22; Ephesians 3:19; "Repentance is the ability to see life from a divine perspective." "We were not inclined for this atmosphere. we are inclined for glory and peace."
The Catcher in the Rye - Mark 1:14-20 Mark 2:13-17
Langdon Palmer
What does the crude, irreverent, alienated hero of The Catcher in the Rye possibly have to do with the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ ? It turns out - quite a lot.
Gods Provision That Leads To Repentance
Jonathan Richerson
Collectivetines // February '16
Matt Denton
The Law of God, The Third Commandment
Larry W Dean
A discussion of how we might be faithful to this principle so as not to take the Lord's Name in vain and how we are to honor Him in the use of His Name.
The Law of God, The Fourth Commandment
Larry W Dean
A discussion of the Christian's relationship to the Sabbath.
Repentance is our only hope!
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
1. IF MY PEOPLE HUMBLE THEMSELVES: The process of restoration must begin with humility. "Pride must die in you, or nothing of heaven can live in you" (Andrew Murray). The amount of pride in the church is mind blowing. A super star mentality exists within the walls of the American church as millions crave center stage attention. The church often reflects the character of Hollywood rather than the character of Christ. Where is that I must decrease, that He might Increase mentality. (John 3:30) If we are to see a genuine move of God (which is our only hope) then...
Spirit Wind 1
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
Dr. Powell discusses the true meaning of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. A Must Hear Teaching for the Church.
Resolve to Live Repentantly/Philippians 1.27-30
Pastor Michael Malanga
When the Bible talks about repentance it refers to a change of heart leading to a change in the direction of one’s life. Repentance requires humility. Both are the result of the work of the Holy Spirit. Until we become followers of Jesus we are going in the wrong direction—away from God. We are lost, but we do not know it. We are lost because our internal GPS is defective. We are going the wrong way. We put more trust in our sense of direction than in Jesus who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We are listening...
Biblical Repentance
Kevin Webb
Genuine Repentance
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
• Last week we spoke on “sinful security.” This is a false security that believes in a Historical Jesus and assumes that since Jesus died for their sins that they can live in the old Adamic nature without repentance from that old nature and truly not having been born again are consequently still lost and in their sin. • The Truly Born again have been changed and abhor the old man and his ways. Today's installment will deal with the issue of Genuine Repentance, taking out text from 2 Corinthians 7:10-11.
Sin, Repentance and Forgiveness
Pastor Louis Boucher
After conversion a believer can still sin at times. The message is all about how to handle the situation and approach God.
Expanding Perceptions - Lean into the Discomfort
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
Finding you way out of hurt, rejection shame or guilt can often be difficult, but today's message deals with overcoming the issues that keep you from being truly free. Take a listen... It's Free!
Filtered Faith
Dr. Ronald K. Powell
Today's Message Filtered Faith: Do you filter the messages of God through your particular moods? Listen and see what you may be doing to your faith with your emotional filters. It's Free!