Matching the Term: "Redemption"
Pondering Our Redemption
Rev. Dennis R. Hartman
Here we are celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! The holiest day for those of us who believe! It is the defeat of sin and the fullness of our eternal hope! The condition of man is without hope for redemption if we are the ones to bring it about; whether in our own circumstances, or national circumstances, even in our life as sinners before God. The only way for redemption to happen is when people seek out the Redeemer of man. Oh, we come up with temporary fixes, but nothing that will last. Only God can redeem us;...
Our Great Redemption
Kevin Webb
This week we talk about Our Great Redemption. We take a look at the concept of redemption, God as Redeemer in the Old Testament, God as Redeemer in the New Testament, and how the Lord's Supper still reminds us of God's redemption.
Rejection and Redemption
Pastor Joshua Lim
Israel has rejected God as King and they have requested a king just like the other nations. How will God respond? While the people may reject God, God will not reject His people. By God’s sovereign grace, He transforms our rejection into our redemption.
Chapter 6 Abundant Redemption!
Shawn Chris King
Once your heart runs to man, in place of our Savior, it will only get more comfortable to depend on a person or object than the Lord. It may be a pastor, author, co-worker, or a friend that you may run to rather than the One who dwells in you. Although these relationships with godly people are healthy, take what they say and go to God’s word to see if it matches with His counsel. If we are not taking people’s advice to the word of God, then you might be putting your hope in many unseen woes as you...
Redemption 6
Ebarim Fortune Godsend
Jesus' betrayal actually meant man's redemption from satanic slavery, and termination of Adam's mortgage of the earth to the devil and his cohorts. Jesus Christ wasn't betrayed but redeemed when Judas collected the 30 pieces of silver from the high priest. Jesus' betrayal actually meant man's redemption from satanic slavery, and termination of Adam's mortgage of the earth to the devil and his cohorts. Judas represents the Devil. Jesus Christ represents slavish humanity sold into slavery by Adam's fall. The High Priest represents God the Redeemer. Enjoy. Brother Fortune. +2348066809552, +2349058528334.
OIM Bonus - Pictures of Redemption in the Feasts of the Lord
Covenant Truth Ministries Inc
Today, we see the beautiful pictures of God's plan of redemption revealed in the Feasts of the Lord from Leviticus 23, their fulfillment in Messiah, and its significance to us today. www.covenanttruthministries.com
Redemption Through Jesus Christ
Pastor Morris Watson
Christ leads us in triumph! Learn more about your redemption through Jesus Christ as Pastor Morris Watson shares from 2 Corinthians 2:14
Fanie Coetzee - Complete Redemption - Nov 22, 2015
Fanie Coetzee
Garry Adkins
Redemption is the understanding that Jesus Christ paid a price for our sin/death that we could not pay. Jesus Christ was our "Ransom" for us to be free!
Part 4 - Redemption and Blood Covenant
Pastor Tina Drysdale
The Redemption of our sins paid for through the blood of Jesus Christ is the ultimate picture of the blood covenant relationship God established with His people through Abraham. This revelation will cause you to understand the significance of the Lord's Table and why we are commanded to remember this covenant he made with us.
Relationships and Redemption
Clark Alcock shares his message "Relationships and Redemption" as a part of the "Sex and Relationships" series at Grace Vineyard City Campus evening service.
Remembering Redemption
Kevin Webb
This week message is titled Remembering Redemption. Listen in as Kevin draws the parallels between the Old Testament Passover and the New Testament communion.
Ebarim Fortune Godsend
Jesus Christ wasn't betrayed but redeemed when Judas collected the 30 pieces of silver from the high priest. Jesus' betrayal actually meant man's redemption from satanic slavery, and termination of Adam's mortgage of the earth to the devil and his cohorts. Judas represents the Devil. Jesus Christ represents slavish humanity sold into slavery by Adam's fall. The High Priest represents God the Redeemer. Enjoy. Brother Fortune. +2348066809552, +2349058528334.
Redemption 5
Ebarim Fortune Godsend
Jesus Christ worked out man's total redemption through His betrayal. Jesus Christ wasn't betrayed but redeemed when Judas collected the 30 pieces of silver from the high priest. Judas represents the Devil. Jesus Christ represents slavish humanity sold into slavery by Adam's fall. The High Priest represents God the Redeemer. Enjoy. Brother Fortune. +2348066809552, +2349058528334.
Redemption 4
Ebarim Fortune Godsend
Jesus' betrayal actually meant man's redemption from satanic slavery, and termination of Adam's mortgage of the earth to the devil and his cohorts.
Redemption 3
Ebarim Fortune Godsend
Jesus' betrayal actually meant man's redemption from satanic slavery, and termination of Adam's mortgage of the earth to the devil and his cohorts.
Grace Enjoyed - The Purchase of Redemption
Isaac Davis
After embracing the grace offered to her, Ruth was able to enjoy the results of this grace. The purchase of redemption has many factors that the redeemed can enjoy.
Reconciliation and Redemption
John Macdonald
Reconciliation means bringing things and particularly, people. together when the pieces and/or the relationships are broken. Redemption means to be changed from a life of uselessness to a life of worthiness. Jesus has not only reconciled those who believe to their Father God in Heaven but has also redeemed their lives from the wages of sin and death.
Your Redemption Is Drawing Near
Frank Foreman
An Introduction to Exodus - Our Glorius Redemption
Keith Stovall
So Great a Redemption Part 1
Keith Stovall
So Great a Redemption Part 2
Keith Stovall
Holy Week - Redemption - the Beauty of GoEl
Rev. Kay Mortimer
In this special Passion Week message, we see the beauty of Redemption through the Old Testament picture of the Go'El - the Kinsman-Redeemer, the prototype seen in Boaz and Ruth's redemptive story. We learn the requirements of a Go'El and how Jesus became our Redeemer.
Andy Orr
Andy Orr takes a deep dive on a "churchy" term Redemption. What does it mean, why should I care, and what should I do?