Series: Truth Bible Study

October 23, 2023
Dr. Theresa M Bell

Dr. Bell discusses Nehemiah chapter 4 and how we must fight for the vision of God. The adversary comes to hinder or cease the vision. If there is no adversity, then it may be a plan of the enemy. When people see the blessings of God on your life, they come against you because they do not have the blessings of God on their life. We must fight for our dreams and the visions of God until they come into fruition. We must not think that too much time has been wasted. If there is still breath in our body, God can redeem to time. God can cause so much to happen in such a little time and cause us to fulfill the vision. We must be able to move a way that shows that we believe God. We need to get into position to receive the vision that God is presenting. Faith without work is dead. We must operate in a way that we know to operate to obtain the blessing that God id giving. Mothers prepare for a child by buying things and resources the child will need to develop. People will come against others to the point of laying hands on them to try and stop the progression of the blessings of God in their life. Not everyone is happy for you. Especially not those who are suffering and not experiencing the blessings of God for themselves.

Episode Notes

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