Seven Reasons Our Prayers Are Not Answered - Reason 4

Series: Seven Reason Our Prayers Are Not Answered

December 11, 2023
Ron Alfredson

JAMES 4:3 3 You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions. We must search our hearts and motives when we ask God for something. Remember, God searches our hearts and minds. He knows why we are asking and what we will do with it if we receive what we ask for. We may be asking God for something with a very selfish motive, and if we ask for selfish reasons, God will not answer. We may ask God for something we want to show off, whether material or spiritual. When our motives are where we want people to look at and praise us, saying, "Well, look at so and so; how God has blessed that person with a great gift?" You get the glory, and God is left out. We have robbed God, and He will not answer our prayers.

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