Part 6 There are Laws for Prayer
Series: There Are Laws For Prayer
October 21, 2023
Ron Alfredson
This Verse 1 of Hebrews chapter 11 is a very powerful verse. Paul explains to the Hebrews in chapter 11 how we are to act, and how when you act by faith that it shows that our heavenly Father is real, and that he indeed answers the prayers of his children who do not doubt. Verse 6 he said: “But with out faith it is impossible to please him…” Impossible to please who? With out faith it is impossible to please God. If you do not believe that God will give what you ask for; then why even, ask? Because unless you believe, and I mean truly believe; then your prayer will not be heard by God. “… for he that cometh to God must believe that he is…” That he is… We must believe that he is the holy God; He is of the Trinity which is: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. That he is a just God, and that his justice is true and holy. That he is the holy creator of all things. That he is a merciful God, and has shown his mercy, and grace through his Son Jesus Christ, and who has given us power through the Holy Ghost to live a Christian life. Without this kind of faith your prayers will go unanswered. He is our Holy God, our Holy heavenly Father. “…and the he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” You come before God full of faith and you believe that he is God, and you know who he is and what he is and you reverence his holy Name. You seek him with great passion, and love for him as your heavenly Father, and you seek his righteousness, and his will, and wisdom, he will reward you. Your prayers will be answered. He will shower you with blessings.
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