Part 3 There are Laws for Prayer

Series: There Are Laws For Prayer

October 21, 2023
Ron Alfredson

It is very important that we learn how to apply the Lord’s prayer to our prayer life. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and in what fashion we should pray. There are certain principles in the Lord's prayer that Jesus was teaching us, and not following those principles could hinder our prayers. Why would it hinder our prayer or stop God from answering? We will get into this as we now go to the Lord's Prayer. In part two of this message: “There are Laws for Prayer” we received a warning from Jesus that we are not to do our alms before men, and we are not to pray as the hypocrites do. In Jesus's time, the hypocrites were the Pharisees the religious leaders of that time the spiritual leaders. Today he is calling many of our churches, spiritual leaders, and religious leaders hypocrites. Sad to say but seems every church has a few. Just because your church may have a few hypocrites does not mean that you should stop going or that you should run them off.

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