Part 2 of There are Laws for Prayer
Series: There Are Laws For Prayer
October 21, 2023
Ron Alfredson
Not knowing how to pray will affect your prayer life, and you will become discouraged, and you will stop praying altogether, this will hinder God's answers, but don’t feel ashamed because even Jesus's disciples did not know how to pray. The Bible says the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus Talks about prayer and our prayer life. Verses 1-8 Jesus is preparing us for the Lord's Prayer. He begins by telling his disciples not to do alms before men; in other words what you give to God or what you do to help someone, you are not to go out and blow your own horn about it. People will see what you do, and if they don’t, the Bible says what you do in secret God will reward you openly. Do not let anyone know what you are doing or what you did. It may hinder your prayer from being answered by God.
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