Part 11 There are Laws For Prayer

Series: There Are Laws For Prayer

October 21, 2023
Ron Alfredson

We are to humble ourselves before the Lord. Some people like to call themselves upstanding Christians, and they believe that when God calls us home they will be the first in line to receive their rewards. Maybe you are one of those people who feel this way. Many people have so much pride they feel they are above bowing their heads not to mention getting on their knees, and bow before God our heavenly Father. How many times do you bow your head at the dinner table to give God thanks for the food you are about to eat? Well, I worked for that food, and it was my sweat that put the food on the table. You may be right, but here is my question to you. Who gave you the strength to go out, and by your sweat put food on the table? Who was the one who sent the wind, sun, and rain so that the food you are about to put in your mouth could grow? Who was the one who created the seed that was planted? Who created Heaven and the Earth, the sun, the water? Was it you? If not, then you had better give thanks to the one who did. That kind of pride you have will stop your prayers from being answered.

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