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Title Speaker Date
Passionate about the Church Phil. 4:1-3 Michael Boyd September 04, 2024
GUIDED GIARDED AND GUARANTEED Michael Boyd August 24, 2024
Don't Waste your life part 2 Michael Boyd August 18, 2024
Don’t waste your Life Part 1 Michael Boyd August 11, 2024
Christian Character Michael Boyd August 03, 2024
Humility in Christ Phil 2:5-11 Michael Boyd July 21, 2024
unity-in-christ Michael Boyd July 14, 2024
The Steadfast Church Michael Boyd July 07, 2024
The Believer's Death Benefit Michael Boyd June 29, 2024
Joy in Spite of Circumstances Michael Boyd June 19, 2024
Prison Prayer Phil 1:7-11 Michael Boyd June 12, 2024
Confidence in God Michael Boyd June 05, 2024
Bound For Joy Michael Boyd May 29, 2024

Content Copyright Belongs to Grace Baptist Church of Second Life