letting God's word explain and teach it's own self .
April 21, 2020
Robert. j. Brown
Did you know that there's a way to allow God's Holy Word to teach and explain it's own self ? I know it maybe a strange thing to say , But God don't need a middle man or person to tell you what he wants to tell you , for example Jesus said when the spirit of truth has come ( He will guide you into all of the truth - John 16:13 ) . Did you notice Jesus said , the spirit of truth shall guide you into ( all ) of the truth . Jesus is telling us that the spirit of truth don't need a middle man for Jesus Christ himself is the middle man in John 14:6 he said no man comes to the father except though him ( Jesus is the middle man ) and he says his sheep hear his voice and they follow him. Now is not Jesus Christ telling us that there's a way to know his voice ( which is ) his word . Check Hebrews 5:12 out - This verse says For when for the time you ought to be teachers, you have need for someone to teach you the basic principles of the gospel . Don't want to sound like a broken record but is not that saying you can know the things of Christ and of God ? .
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