Are you tired of not knowing if God is pleased with you, then check out this message and turn things around ! .

August 09, 2021
Robert. j. Brown

Many times believers get side tracked by thinking that they need more faith when the problem is not more faith , but learning to use the faith that you already have . It is an old trick and destruction , that Satan have been using on believers from the times of the early church , and Jesus said if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you would say to this mountain be plucked up and be cast into the sea Luke 17: 6. Have you ever seen how small a mustard seed is ? it's so small you need glasses just to see, that's how small a mustard seed is . If you have asked Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and savior, it took faith to do that , so yes you have faith . But the real problem is learning to develop and use the faith that you already have ,. Join me in this message and allow yourself to be inspired and blessed in knowing who you truly are , as a child of God . Enjoy

Episode Notes

Matthew 28:18 ,Romans 10:17

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