Title Speaker Date
Special Miracles - Acts 19:7-12
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 28, 2024
Jerry Webb - Trust the Lord with all thine heart
Series: Guest Preachers
Jerry Webb August 25, 2024
Between a rock and a hard place - I Samuel 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2024
“Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?” - Acts 19:1-7
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 21, 2024
It ain’t good without salt Randy Taylor, Jr. August 21, 2024
Don’t Waste Your Life - Matthew 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 18, 2024
Aquila, Priscilla and Apollos - Acts 18: 24-28
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 14, 2024
How to meet with God" Isaiah 64 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 11, 2024
The Nazarite Vow - Acts 18:18-23
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 07, 2024
A Remade Vessel - Jeremiah 18 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 04, 2024
God Keeps His Promises - Acts 18:12-17
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 31, 2024
War Tactics of the Devil - Eph. 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 30, 2024
Run your Race - Hebrews 12 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 28, 2024
A Church is Born in Corinth - Acts 18:1-11
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 24, 2024
Worth it or wasted? - John 12
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 21, 2024
The Known God - Acts 17:26-34
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 17, 2024
"Their Heart was Hardened" - Mark 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 14, 2024
"One Man to Die for His Nation" - John 11
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 14, 2024
The Unknown God
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 14, 2024
All things new Randy Taylor, Jr. July 08, 2024
Three Keys to Reshape America - Isaiah 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 30, 2024
The Gospel Comes to Athens - Acts 17:16-21
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 26, 2024
Jesus’ Greatest Miracle - John 11
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 23, 2024
Let’s be like the Bereans - Acts 17:10-14
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 16, 2024
The Resurrection and the Life - John 11
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 09, 2024
Living in Lodebar - II Samuel 9:1-5 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 09, 2024
“Lazarus is dead. And I am glad” - John 11
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 02, 2024
Hope - Jeremiah 29 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 02, 2024
Turning the World Upside Down - Acts 17:1-10
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 29, 2024
"He whom thou lovest is sick" - John 11
Series: Lazarus Come Forth
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 26, 2024
Our Eyes are Upon Thee - II Chron. 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 26, 2024
The Midnight Hour - Acts 16
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 22, 2024
Shaken but not Saved - Acts 24 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 19, 2024
Spiritual, Social, and Physical Warfare - Acts 16
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 15, 2024
Living Life in the Light of Eternity - James 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 12, 2024
Eve: The First Mother - Genesis 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 12, 2024
Lydia - Acts 16
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 09, 2024
Disarming Your Doubts - John 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 05, 2024
God Knows - Psalms 139 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 05, 2024
The Macedonian Call - Acts 16:6-10
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 01, 2024
How to Thaw a Cold Heart - Matthew 24 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 28, 2024
I Found the Book - II Kings 22 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 28, 2024
Timothy - Acts 16:1-5
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 24, 2024
Part 7 - Seal - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit" - Eph. 1
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 21, 2024
How to Behave When You’re in a Cave - Psalm 142 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 21, 2024
When Christians Disagree - Acts 15: 36-41
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 17, 2024
Part 6: Oil - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit" - I Samuel 16
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 14, 2024
God’s Prayer Requests - Matthew 21 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 14, 2024
Part 2 - The Jerusalem Council - Acts 15:12-31
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 10, 2024
Kurt LaBouve - Sunday PM Randy Taylor, Jr. April 07, 2024
Kurt LaBouve - Sunday AM
Series: Guest Preachers
Kurt LaBouve April 07, 2024
The Jerusalem Council - Acts 15
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 03, 2024
Part 3: Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb - Luke 24
Series: Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2024
The Stoning of Paul - Acts 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 27, 2024
The Lord’s Supper - Luke 22 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 27, 2024
Part 2: "Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb" - Matthew 27
Series: Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 27, 2024
The Living God - Acts 14:1-18
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 20, 2024
Part 5: Wind - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit"
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 17, 2024
Part 1: "Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb" - Matthew 26
Series: Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Garden Tomb
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 17, 2024
Paul’s Sermon at Pisidia in Antioch - Acts 13:13-52
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 13, 2024
Part 4 – Heavenly Dove - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit" - John 1
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 10, 2024
Selah - Psalms 62 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 10, 2024
Paul and the Roman Proconsul - Acts 13
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2024
Part 3 - Water - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit" - John 4 and 7
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2024
Home Missions - Acts 13
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 02, 2024
Part 2 - Fire - "Symbols of the Holy Spirit"
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 26, 2024
“How shall we sing the LORD's song in a strange land?" - Psalm 137 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 26, 2024
Sent out - Acts 13:1-3
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 21, 2024
Symbols of the Holy Spirit - John 1
Series: Symbols of the Holy Spirit
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 18, 2024
Making Sure of Your Salvation - II Peter 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 18, 2024
“He gave not God the glory” - Acts 12:20-25
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 14, 2024
CT Spear - Bringing their sheaves with them
Series: Guest Preachers
CT Spear February 12, 2024
The Power of a Praying Church - Acts 12
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 08, 2024
"It’s Just Your Right Eye" - I Samuel Randy Taylor, Jr. February 04, 2024
The Unexpected Murder of James - Acts 12:1-2
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 31, 2024
Why does God hate sin? - Romans 7 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 28, 2024
The Impact of Prayer - Hebrews 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 28, 2024
The Church at Antioch - Acts 11:1-30
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 24, 2024
Are you Battling with Spiritual Illness? - I Thess. 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 21, 2024
"How long wilt thou mourn for Saul?" - I Samuel 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 21, 2024
Gentiles Hear the Good News - Acts 10:24-48
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 17, 2024
Sunday PM - Bro. Jerry Webb
Series: Guest Preachers
Jerry Webb January 14, 2024
We All are the Work of Thy Hand - Isaiah 64 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 14, 2024
Dr. Mark Rasmussen - West Coast Baptist College
Series: Guest Preachers
Mark Rasmussen January 10, 2024
A Work in Progress - Phil. 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 07, 2024
Peter’s Astonishing Vision - Act 10
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 03, 2024
“Ye have not passed this way heretofore” Joshua 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 31, 2023
The Return of the King - Isaiah 9 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 24, 2023
Heaven’s Lamb - Luke 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 17, 2023
Two miracles that remind us of Jesus - Acts 9: 32-43
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 13, 2023
Have you experienced "it?" - Psalms 114 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 10, 2023
The Grinch who tried to kill Christmas - Matthew 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 10, 2023
Barnabas, the son of consolation - Acts 9: 26-30
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 06, 2023
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. - Sunday PM
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor. Sr. December 03, 2023
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. - Sunday AM
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor. Sr. December 03, 2023
Paul’s Ministry Begins - Acts 9:19-25
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 29, 2023
Rejoice with them that rejoice, weep with them that weep - Romans 12 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 26, 2023
Jesus, God’s Only Begotten Son - Luke 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 26, 2023
This is the day which the Lord hath made - Psalm 118:24-25 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 19, 2023
"He is a chosen vessel unto me" - Acts 9:1-18
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 15, 2023
I’ve got so much to thank Him for - Isaiah 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 12, 2023
The Damascus Road - Acts 9: 1-6
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 08, 2023
The God of the Valleys - I Kings 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 08, 2023
Part 2 - Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8:26-40
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 01, 2023
“Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." - Romans 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 29, 2023
Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch - Acts 8:26-40
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 18, 2023
Take up the cross and follow me - Mark 10 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 15, 2023
Dr. Bob Smith - Sunday AM
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 15, 2023
Simon the Sorcerer - Acts 8:18-25
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 11, 2023
“I am ready” - Romans 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 08, 2023
Catching your second wind - Matthew 27 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 08, 2023
Scattered everywhere with the Gospel - Acts 8
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 04, 2023
Come before winter - II Timothy 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 01, 2023
The Victorious Death of Stephen - Acts 7:54-60
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 27, 2023
Why God Hides His Face - Isaiah 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 27, 2023
Living in light of the last days - II Peter 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 24, 2023
Stephen’s Mighty Message - Acts 6 and 7
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 20, 2023
"Believe that He is" - Evangelist Oliver Araiza
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Oliver Araiza September 17, 2023
The Witness of Stephen - Acts 6:8-15
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 13, 2023
Four men who were impacted by Calvary - Matthew 27 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 10, 2023
Borrowed Christianity - 1 Corinthians 11: 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 03, 2023
Can these bones live? - Ezekiel 37 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 03, 2023
“We ought to obey God rather than men” - Acts 5:17-42
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 30, 2023
Blessed are the MEEK - Matthew 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 27, 2023
Be Still and Know - Psalm 46 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 27, 2023
Ananias and Sapphira - Acts 4:32-37 and Acts 5: 1- 11
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 23, 2023
My son Onesimus - Philemon 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 20, 2023
Holy Boldness - Acts 4:23-31
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 16, 2023
The Harvest is Plenty, but the Laborers are Few - Matthew 9 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 13, 2023
The Battle is the Lord’s - I Samuel 17 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 13, 2023
The Gospel on Trial - Acts 4:1-22
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 09, 2023
Have I Labored in Vain? - Isaiah 49:4 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 06, 2023
Repent and be converted - Acts 3:11-26
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2023
“For this cause I bow my knees” - Ephesians 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 30, 2023
Is your spirit healthy? - Proverbs 18 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 30, 2023
Stir up the gift of God which is in thee - II Timothy 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 23, 2023
Shoot all the Arrows - II Kings 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 23, 2023
Such as I have give I thee - Acts 3:1-11
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 19, 2023
Taking your assigned seat - II Corinthians 12:7-10 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 16, 2023
They Continued… - Acts 2: 42-47
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 12, 2023
Jerry Webb - Sunday AM
Series: Guest Preachers
Jerry Webb July 12, 2023
Patriotism: God and Country - Matthew 22 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 02, 2023
3,000 Saved - Acts 2: 37-41
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 28, 2023
A Revival of Thankfulness - Luke 17 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 25, 2023
Listening for the voice of God - Isaiah 30:21 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 18, 2023
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD" - Joshua 24 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 18, 2023
Jesus was proven to be both Lord and Christ - Acts 2-22-36
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 14, 2023
How to get out of a spiritual rut - Revelation 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 12, 2023
“I have seen thy tears" - II Kings 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 11, 2023
Peter's Sermon at Pentecost - Acts 2:12-21
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 07, 2023
Some things I want my children to know - Eccl. 12 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 05, 2023
A Life Changing Prayer - Colossians 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 04, 2023
The Pentecostal Power - Acts 2:1-13
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 31, 2023
Replacing Judas - Acts 1:12-26
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 24, 2023
Eternal Security - John 10 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 21, 2023
The Great Commission - Acts 1
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 17, 2023
What every mother can give to her children - Luke 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 14, 2023
The Acts of the Holy Spirit - Acts 1
Series: The Book of Acts
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 10, 2023
One life can make a difference - Acts 7 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 07, 2023
The end of the beginning - Genesis 50
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 03, 2023
A New Way - John 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 30, 2023
How to have a personal relationship with Christ - John 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 30, 2023
Jacob’s Surprising Prophecies - Genesis 49
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 26, 2023
Resolutions - Phil. 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 23, 2023
"O magnify the LORD with me" - Psalm 34 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 23, 2023
Passing on our Faith - Genesis 48
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 19, 2023
Beautiful in His Time - Ecclesiastes 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 16, 2023
A colossal change in Egypt - Genesis 47
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 12, 2023
The Resurrection Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 09, 2023
A Family Reunion - Genesis 46
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 05, 2023
Spiritual, Natural, or Carnal? - 1 Corinthians 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 02, 2023
Paul, the servant of Jesus Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. April 02, 2023
Why Should I Forgive? - Genesis 45
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2023
How to strengthen your mental health - Philippians 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 26, 2023
“To die is gain” - Philippians 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 26, 2023
“If it must be so” - Genesis 43
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 22, 2023
The Partnership of Prayer - Acts 12 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 19, 2023
If God be for us, who can be against us? - Romans 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 19, 2023
“What is this that God hath done?” - Genesis 42
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 15, 2023
MOVE ON and GROW GREAT - 2 Samuel 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 12, 2023
Joseph Rises to Power - Genesis 41
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 08, 2023
He brought me out - Psalm 40 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 05, 2023
The Butler, the Baker, and the King of Egypt - Genesis 40
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 01, 2023
Trapped by a Spirit of Fear - II Timothy 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 26, 2023
The Gospel in a Nutshell - John 3: 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 26, 2023
Eleven Years a Slave - Genesis 39
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 22, 2023
Looking beyond the failure - Luke 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 19, 2023
Tamar’s Story - Genesis 38
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 15, 2023
God Hates Pride - Proverbs 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 12, 2023
"After This" - Job 42 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 12, 2023
Joseph sold by his brothers - Genesis 37
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 08, 2023
God’s House Makes a Difference - Ephesians 2:13-22
Series: Making a Difference
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 05, 2023
Why art thou cast down, O my soul? - Psalm 42 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 29, 2023
God’s Word Makes a Difference - 2 Kings 22
Series: Making a Difference
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 29, 2023
The Young Man Whose Dreams Came True - Genesis 36 and 37
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 25, 2023
Derek Devito - The HIM of the garment
Series: Guest Preachers
Derek Devito January 25, 2023
Faith Makes a Difference - Jude 22 and Matthew 15
Series: Making a Difference
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 22, 2023
Revival at Bethel - Genesis 35
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 18, 2023
What is Your Life? - James 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 17, 2023
Compassion Makes a Difference - Jude 22 and Luke 10
Series: Making a Difference
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 15, 2023
The Defiling of Dinah - Genesis 34
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 11, 2023
Little Things Make a Difference - Jude 22 and Matthew 10: 40-42
Series: Making a Difference
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 08, 2023
Jacob finds forgiveness - Genesis 33
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 04, 2023
Midnight Wrestling
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 28, 2022
You, me, and the Christmas tree - Matthew 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 25, 2022
Sunday AM - Dr. Mark Rasmussen
Series: Guest Preachers
Mark Rasmussen December 18, 2022
God prepares Jacob to face Esau - Genesis 32
Series: The Book of Genesis
Unknown December 14, 2022
The great escape - Evangelist Randy Taylor. Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor. Sr. December 11, 2022
Isaiah's Lamb - Evangelist Randy Taylor. Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. December 11, 2022
Going back to move forward - Genesis 31
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 07, 2022
Second Chances - Jonah 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 04, 2022
Hope is Born - Matthew 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 04, 2022
Jacob Remembers Home - Genesis 30
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 30, 2022
The Gift of Adversity - James 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 27, 2022
Filled with the Spirit - Luke 11 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 27, 2022
Why should I be thankful? - Psalm 92 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 20, 2022
The Green Sickness - Genesis 30
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 16, 2022
When the odds are stacked against you - Judges 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 14, 2022
I’m Not Worthless to Him - Genesis 29
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 09, 2022
I Know Somebody - II Kings 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 06, 2022
Jacob meets God at Bethel - Genesis 28
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 04, 2022
The end does not justify the means - Genesis 27
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 30, 2022
Determine to have a Godly Legacy - Genesis 26
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 23, 2022
How do you forgive yourself? - Luke 22 and John 21 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 16, 2022
Isaac, Jacob, and Esau - Genesis 25
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 12, 2022
Are You Growing or Dying? - 2 Peter 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2022
Eternity - Job 19 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2022
Whose daughter art thou? - Genesis 24
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 05, 2022
A change of heart - Jude 22-24 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 02, 2022
He hath done all things well - Mark 7 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 02, 2022
A burial fit for a queen - Genesis 23
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 28, 2022
Dennis Terry - Rock of Ages Prison Ministry
Series: Guest Preachers
Dennis Terry September 25, 2022
Prayer in the Name of Jesus - John 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 25, 2022
Abraham's Ultimate Test - Hebrews 11 and Genesis 22
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 21, 2022
If I should die before I wake Randy Taylor, Jr. September 18, 2022
God's Miracle Medicine Randy Taylor, Jr. September 18, 2022
A painful separation - Genesis 21
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 18, 2022
John 3:16 - Sunday AM Randy Taylor, Jr. September 11, 2022
Stepping in the same trap twice - Genesis 20
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 07, 2022
Be Faithful - 1 Corn. 15 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 04, 2022
Great and Marvelous Faith - Matthew 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 04, 2022
Surviving Sodom: Lessons from the life of Lot - Genesis 19
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 31, 2022
The Maniac of Gadara - Mark 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 28, 2022
The Power of Abraham’s intercessory prayer - Genesis 18 and 19
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2022
It’s What’s Inside That Counts - Matthew 23 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2022
Bought Back - Hoses 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2022
Is anything too hard for God? - Genesis 17 and 18
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 17, 2022
The World’s Most Destructive Sin - James 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2022
Turning Bitterness into Blessing - Exodus 15 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 14, 2022
The God who sees - Genesis 16
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 10, 2022
How to handle what's handling you - Matthew 11 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 07, 2022
Accounted Righteous - Genesis 15
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 03, 2022
Are you Building or Burning? - James 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 31, 2022
Is God Unfair? - Psalm 73 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 31, 2022
“Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art” - Genesis 13
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 27, 2022
The Value of a Soul - Luke 15 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 24, 2022
The Tragedy of Lot - Genesis 13
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 20, 2022
Abraham goes down to Egypt - Genesis 12
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 13, 2022
Wearing the inside on the outside - Isa 3:9 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 13, 2022
Underneath are the Everlasting Arms - Deut. 33:27 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 10, 2022
Let Freedom Ring - Lev. 25 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 03, 2022
The Call of Abraham - Genesis 12
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 29, 2022
Bloom Where You’re Planted - Genesis 49 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 26, 2022
Favored not Lucky Randy Taylor, Jr. June 26, 2022
Archie Davis - Be a Man
Series: Guest Preachers
Archie Davs June 19, 2022
The Fruit of the Spirit at the Crucifixion - 1 Peter 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 12, 2022
The Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 12, 2022
The Tower of Babel - Genesis 10-11
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 08, 2022
Much Given, Much Required - Luke 12 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 08, 2022
"Prove me now" - Malachi 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 05, 2022
Why did Noah get drunk after the flood? - Genesis 9
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 01, 2022
The Voice of the Shepherd - John 10 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 29, 2022
The Message of Memorial Day - Romans 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 29, 2022
Judge Not? - Luke 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 23, 2022
The Journey of Faith - Hebrews 11 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 23, 2022
God has called you into the ministry - Romans 15-16 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 23, 2022
God remembered Noah - Genesis 8
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 23, 2022
The Portrait of a Godly Mother - John 19 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 08, 2022
The Great Flood - Genesis 6 and 72
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 04, 2022
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD - Genesis 6
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 27, 2022
The Presence of the Lord - John 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 27, 2022
The Miracle Testimony of Mary Magdalene - John 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 24, 2022
Thoughts on Bible Genealogy - Genesis 5
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 20, 2022
Kurt Labouve Randy Taylor, Jr. April 17, 2022
Why I believe in the Resurrection - Matthew 28 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 17, 2022
The way of Cain - Genesis 4 and Jude 11
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 13, 2022
“Be Still and Know That I Am God” - Psalm 46 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 10, 2022
Paradise Lost - Genesis 3
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 06, 2022
To whom shall we go? - John 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 03, 2022
Genesis Series - The Temptation of Eve - Genesis 3
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 30, 2022
"Now I know in part" - I Corn. 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 27, 2022
Genesis Series - Adam and Eve - Genesis 2
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 23, 2022
"Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see" Luke 10 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 20, 2022
Genesis: The Six Days of Creation - Day 6 – Human Life
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 16, 2022
Genesis: The Six Days of Creation - Days 4 and 5
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 09, 2022
The Soul Winning Church - Proverbs 11:30 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2022
Shut the Door - II Kings 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2022
Genesis: The Six Days of Creation - Days 1-3
Series: The Book of Genesis
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 02, 2022
When were you Conquered? - Genesis 32 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 27, 2022
Why I Believe in Jesus - John 18 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 27, 2022
“Christ in You, the Hope of Glory” - Col. 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 20, 2022
Spiritual Warfare - Part 3 - What to Wear to War - Ephesians 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 16, 2022
No Greater Love - John 15 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 16, 2022
Spiritual Warfare - Part 2 - Doom’s Day - Eph. 6:13 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 06, 2022
"Thy Right Hand Shall Hold Me" - Psalm 139 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 06, 2022
Spiritual Warfare - Part 1 - “Be Strong in the Lord and in the Power of His Might” - Eph. 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 30, 2022
Faith in the Storm - Matthew 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 30, 2022
Genesis - Part 1: “In the Beginning God” Randy Taylor, Jr. January 26, 2022
A Faith that Works - James 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 23, 2022
Building a Healthy Home - Matthew 7 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 23, 2022
"Nevertheless at Thy Word" - Luke 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 16, 2022
Is Something Missing? - Luke 10 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 12, 2022
Dr. Charles Hiltibidal - "What's in the queue for 2022?
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Charles Hiltibidal January 12, 2022
Our Father Which Art Forgotten - Matthew 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 05, 2022
The two-mile Christian - Matthew 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 05, 2022
God Uses Strange People - I Corinthians 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 02, 2022
Except the Lord Build the House - Psalm 127 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 29, 2021
The Light of the World - John 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 19, 2021
Lessons from Bethlehem - Part 2 - Matthew 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 15, 2021
Unwrapping Christmas - Luke 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 12, 2021
Lessons from Bethlehem - Luke 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 05, 2021
"Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief" - Mark 9 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 05, 2021
The need to be filled with the Holy Spirit - Acts 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2021
The Greatest Victory David Ever Won - 1 Samuel 24 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 29, 2021
Dr. Mark Rasmussen - How healthy is your heart?
Series: Guest Preachers
Mark Rasmussen November 29, 2021
“Giving thanks always and for all things” - Eph. 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 23, 2021
“The most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever He will” - Daniel 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 17, 2021
Would you like to be favored by God? - Daniel 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 14, 2021
What do you do when God rewrites your life? - Genesis 39 Randy Taylor, Jr. November 14, 2021
Gary Lovens - How Jesus dealt with sorrow Randy Taylor, Jr. November 14, 2021
Gary Lovens - Living the good life
Series: Guest Preachers
Gary Lovens November 08, 2021
Gary Lovens - Let's get specific
Series: Guest Preachers
Gary Lovens November 07, 2021
Gary Lovens - Why do we have to suffer?
Series: Guest Preachers
Gary Lovens November 07, 2021
Isaiah 53 - Part 5: His Resurrection Power
Series: Isaiah 53
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 03, 2021
God hath not given us the spirit of fear - II Timothy 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 31, 2021
Jesus Christ our Deliverer - Luke 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 24, 2021
ISAIAH 53 - Part 4: Our Suffering Substitute
Series: Isaiah 53
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 20, 2021
A Recipe for Revival - Psalm 85 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 19, 2021
The lifter up of my head - Psalm 103 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 19, 2021
ISAIAH 53 - Part 3: "He feels your pain"
Series: Isaiah 53
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 19, 2021
See the hand of God working - Exodus 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 10, 2021
"Then Cometh the Devil" - Luke 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 10, 2021
ISAIAH 53 - Part 2: What did Jesus Look Like?
Series: Isaiah 53
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 06, 2021
Crucified with Christ - Galatians 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 06, 2021
ISAIAH 53 - Part 1: The Gospel According to Isaiah
Series: Isaiah 53
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 29, 2021
There is Hope - Ezekiel 37:1-10 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 29, 2021
Run the race - Hebrews 21 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 19, 2021
Elijah Part 12 - "Elijah's Future Ministry" - Luke 9, Revelation 11
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 15, 2021
Lost - Randy Taylor, Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Taylor, Sr. September 15, 2021
Elijah: Part 11 "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" - II Kings 2
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 08, 2021
Hidden Treasure - Matthew 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. September 08, 2021
Elijah: Part 10 "Is there no God in Israel?" - II Kings 1
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 01, 2021
Be ye kind one to another - Eph. 4 and Luke 7 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 31, 2021
The Scarlet Thread - Hebrews 11 and Joshua 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 31, 2021
Elijah: Part 9 "Judgment Day" - I Kings 21
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2021
How Deep is the Water Where You're Standing? - Ezekiel 47 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 22, 2021
What God Saw - I Samuel 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 22, 2021
Elijah - Part 8: “Finding a Renewed Vision” - I Kings 19
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 18, 2021
Bring back the glory - I Samuel 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2021
“I will come again” - John 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2021
Elijah - Part 7: "What doest thou here, Elijah?" - I Kings 19
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 04, 2021
Things that happen that challege our faith - Matthew 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2021
How to Receive Heaven-Sent Wisdom - James 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2021
Elijah - Part 6: "The Thrill of Victory, the Agony of Defeat" - I Kings 19
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 28, 2021
Grasshopper Vision - Numbers 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 25, 2021
The Mighty Testimony of Stephen - Act 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 25, 2021
Elijah - Part 5: "850 to 1" - I Kings 18
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 21, 2021
Taking the Upper Hand - Matthew 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 18, 2021
The Reality of Hell - Luke 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. July 18, 2021
Elijah - Part 4: “Serving God in Dark Places” - I Kings 18
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 14, 2021
Finding rest for your soul Randy Taylor, Jr. July 11, 2021
Elijah - Part 3 "Trusting God with what's left" - I Kings 17
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. July 07, 2021
Set up the Standard Randy Taylor, Jr. July 04, 2021
Elijah - Part 2 "The Brook Dried Up" - I Kings 17
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 27, 2021
What to do when you get stoned - Acts 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 27, 2021
Elijah - Part 1: "God’s Troublemaker” - I Kings 17
Series: The Prophet Elijah
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 23, 2021
Reentering Earth's Atmosphere Randy Taylor, Jr. June 23, 2021
The Pressures of being a Father Randy Taylor, Jr. June 23, 2021
"Mine Eyes Have Seen the King" - Isaiah 6 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 13, 2021
The Power of Letting Go - I Samuel 16 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 13, 2021
"Bless the Lord" - Psalm 103 Randy Taylor, Jr. June 09, 2021
Peace that passeth all understanding Randy Taylor, Jr. June 06, 2021
Born to Fly - Duet. 32 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 30, 2021
Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven - Romans 4 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 30, 2021
Why I Believe in God Randy Taylor, Jr. May 24, 2021
The Dove and the Lamb - John 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 16, 2021
The Trinity of God and the Trinity of Man Randy Taylor, Jr. May 16, 2021
What would Jesus do? - John 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 13, 2021
What Mary gave her children - Luke 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 11, 2021
"I see men as trees walking" - Mark 8 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 11, 2021
God can make a way - Exodus 14 Randy Taylor, Jr. May 11, 2021
Enoch walked with God - Genesis 5 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 28, 2021
What John the Baptist Taught His Disciples Randy Taylor, Jr. April 25, 2021
The Forgotten Beatitude Randy Taylor, Jr. April 25, 2021
What to do during the in-between years Randy Taylor, Jr. April 21, 2021
How can I be thankful when everything is going wrong? Randy Taylor, Jr. April 18, 2021
"Overwhelmed" - A prayer from the cave Randy Taylor, Jr. April 18, 2021
The Destructive Power of Anger - I Samuel 20 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 11, 2021
Don't Quit - John 21 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 11, 2021
The Ascension of Jesus Christ - Acts 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 07, 2021
When Jesus is in the Midst Randy Taylor, Jr. April 04, 2021
The Testimony of the Empty Tomb Randy Taylor, Jr. April 04, 2021
The Seven Utterances from the Cross Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2021
The Lord's Table Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2021
The Palm Tree and the Weeping Willow Randy Taylor, Jr. March 28, 2021
"She hath done what she could" Randy Taylor, Jr. March 24, 2021
Our Partnership with God Randy Taylor, Jr. March 21, 2021
The Prince and the Prodigals Randy Taylor, Jr. March 21, 2021
The Weapons of our Warfare Randy Taylor, Jr. March 17, 2021
Missionary Chris Thompson to Ecuador
Series: Guest Preachers
Missionary Chris Thompson March 17, 2021
Remember the Lord thy God Randy Taylor, Jr. March 17, 2021
"He went a little further" Randy Taylor, Jr. March 11, 2021
How are you going to die? Randy Taylor, Jr. March 07, 2021
The Blessing of Having and Being a Friend - I Samuel 18:1-5 Randy Taylor, Jr. March 03, 2021
God is so Good - Psalm 23 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 28, 2021
“Here am I” - I Samuel 3 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 21, 2021
One Step at a Time - Psalm 37 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 21, 2021
Love - The Need of Every Heart - I Corn. 13 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 20, 2021
Part 2 - Our Lord's High-Priestly Prayer Randy Taylor, Jr. February 14, 2021
Our Lord's High-Priestly Prayer - John 17 Randy Taylor, Jr. February 08, 2021
Turn the Page Randy Taylor, Jr. February 08, 2021
Why the Gospel is the World's Only Hope Randy Taylor, Jr. January 31, 2021
Christ-like Christianity Randy Taylor, Jr. January 24, 2021
In the beginning God Randy Taylor, Jr. January 24, 2021
A Call to Surrender Randy Taylor, Jr. January 19, 2021
An Expected End Randy Taylor, Jr. January 19, 2021
What the rich man learned about Hell - Evangelist Bob Smith
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith January 17, 2021
Evangelist Tim Booth
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth January 17, 2021
Why was Jesus born to die? Randy Taylor, Jr. December 27, 2020
What Does Jesus Want for Christmas? Randy Taylor, Jr. December 24, 2020
The Story of Mary's Christmas Randy Taylor, Jr. December 20, 2020
Part 2: Lessons from the Wise Men Randy Taylor, Jr. December 20, 2020
Randy Taylor, Sr. "The Midnight Horsemen"
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Taylor, Sr. December 20, 2020
Randy Taylor, Sr. "The sound from the Mulberry Trees"
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Taylor, Sr. December 20, 2020
Part 1 - Lessons from the Wise Men Randy Taylor, Jr. December 20, 2020
The Message of Christmas Randy Taylor, Jr. December 06, 2020
Faded Leaves Randy Taylor, Jr. December 02, 2020
The Light of the World Randy Taylor, Jr. November 29, 2020
The God of Bethel Unknown November 29, 2020
Thankgiving Message Randy Taylor, Jr. November 25, 2020
God Directs the Steps Randy Taylor, Jr. November 22, 2020
"Needing a Breath of Fresh Air" Randy Taylor, Jr. November 22, 2020
The Next Event on God's Calendar Randy Taylor, Jr. November 18, 2020
Part 10: "Overcoming Evil with Good" - The Marks of True Christianity
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 15, 2020
It Ain't Over Til It's Over Randy Taylor, Jr. November 15, 2020
Part 9: “Providing for Honest Things” - The Marks of True Christianity
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 12, 2020
Part 8: Unity of the Believers - The Marks of True Christianity
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 09, 2020
Four Reasons to be Thankful Randy Taylor, Jr. November 08, 2020
Part 7: Sharing the Ups and Downs - The Marks of True Christianity
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 04, 2020
Part 6: "Given to Hospitality" - The Marks of True Christianity
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 01, 2020
Choose ye this day whom you will serve Randy Taylor, Jr. November 01, 2020
Part 5: Continue Instant in Prayer - The Marks of True Christian
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 28, 2020
Part 4: Patient in Persecution - The Marks of a True Christian
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 28, 2020
The Cause is Greater than I Randy Taylor, Jr. October 28, 2020
Part 3: Rejoicing in Hope - The Marks of a True Christian
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 28, 2020
Part 2: Going into Business for the Lord - "The Marks of a True Christian"
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 18, 2020
Sheltered in the Arms of God Randy Taylor, Jr. October 18, 2020
Part 1: Brotherly Love - "The Marks of a True Christian"
Series: The Marks of a True Christian
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 18, 2020
Out of the Horrible Pit Randy Taylor, Jr. October 11, 2020
Have I labored in vain? - Isaiah 49 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 04, 2020
Are You Building or Burning? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 01, 2020
I am Debtor Randy Taylor, Jr. September 27, 2020
Our Lord's Response to Grief Randy Taylor, Jr. September 27, 2020
Abdel Judah - Youth Rally - Jonah
Series: Guest Preachers
Abdel Judah September 23, 2020
Abdel Judah - God Never Blesses an Empty Altar
Series: Guest Preachers
Abdel Judah September 23, 2020
Abdel Judah - "Astonished by God"
Series: Guest Preachers
Abdel Judah September 23, 2020
Reflecting God's Glory Randy Taylor, Jr. September 13, 2020
Meditating on God's Word - Part 3 “Helping your Bible Come Alive" Randy Taylor, Jr. September 09, 2020
Be Real Randy Taylor, Jr. September 09, 2020
Why Pray? Randy Taylor, Jr. September 06, 2020
Meditating on God's Word - Part 2 Transforming Power Randy Taylor, Jr. September 02, 2020
Living for God in Babylon Randy Taylor, Jr. August 30, 2020
Gather up the fragments that remain Randy Taylor, Jr. August 30, 2020
Meditating on God's Word - Part 1 The Battlefield of the Mind Randy Taylor, Jr. August 26, 2020
Three words to live by Randy Taylor, Jr. August 23, 2020
You can still reach out and touch Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. August 23, 2020
Be the one - Genesis 41:38 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 19, 2020
Finding Strength for Your Journey Randy Taylor, Jr. August 16, 2020
The Good, Great and Chief Shepherd Randy Taylor, Jr. August 12, 2020
Walking with God Randy Taylor, Jr. August 09, 2020
The Value of One Randy Taylor, Jr. August 09, 2020
The Security of the Sheep Randy Taylor, Jr. August 08, 2020
The Book of Ruth Part 5 - "The Power of Redemption" Randy Taylor, Jr. August 04, 2020
Why the World Needs Jesus Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2020
What the Good Shepherd Knows about His Sheep Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2020
Not of this World Randy Taylor, Jr. July 26, 2020
Problems or Providence? Randy Taylor, Jr. July 26, 2020
The Voice of God Randy Taylor, Jr. July 22, 2020
Chris Dallas - Keep calm and carry on
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Chris Dallas July 21, 2020
Chris Dallas - There is a Fountain
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Chris Dallas July 21, 2020
The Book of Ruth Part 4 - "Good News from the Harvest Field Randy Taylor, Jr. July 21, 2020
The Good Shepherd Randy Taylor, Jr. July 15, 2020
One Nation, Under God Randy Taylor, Jr. July 05, 2020
Don't let your faith be shaken Randy Taylor, Jr. July 03, 2020
The Book of Ruth - Part 3 "The Providence of God" Randy Taylor, Jr. June 28, 2020
The Power of Forgiveness Randy Taylor, Jr. June 28, 2020
The Book of Ruth - Part 2 "Back to Bethlehem" Randy Taylor, Jr. June 21, 2020
Shamgar and the Oxgoad Randy Taylor, Jr. June 21, 2020
The Book of Ruth - Part 1 "Don't go to Moab" Randy Taylor, Jr. June 14, 2020
The Presence of God Randy Taylor, Jr. June 14, 2020
The Power of God's Sufficient Grace Randy Taylor, Jr. June 10, 2020
Dr. Mark Rasmussen
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Mark Rasmussen June 07, 2020
Is there any hope for a divided nation? Randy Taylor, Jr. May 31, 2020
The Fifth Gospel Randy Taylor, Jr. May 27, 2020
Is there any hope for my marriage? Randy Taylor, Jr. May 24, 2020
An Unlikely Love Story - Hosea and Gomer Randy Taylor, Jr. May 24, 2020
Shoot all the Arrows! Randy Taylor, Jr. May 17, 2020
Are you a Bible Believer? Randy Taylor, Jr. May 13, 2020
The Influence of a Godly Mother Randy Taylor, Jr. May 10, 2020
Is anything too hard for God? Randy Taylor, Jr. May 03, 2020
Are you doubting your salvation? Randy Taylor, Jr. April 29, 2020
What to do when what God gives you dies Randy Taylor, Jr. April 26, 2020
Just a Cup of Cold Water Randy Taylor, Jr. April 19, 2020
Does God Lead His Children Into Temptation? Randy Taylor, Jr. April 15, 2020
The Power of the Resurrection Unknown April 13, 2020
Let's Remember Calvary - Psalm 22 Randy Taylor, Jr. April 13, 2020
I'm so Worried! Randy Taylor, Jr. April 05, 2020
Let not your heart be troubled Randy Taylor, Jr. April 05, 2020
And God Remembered Noah Randy Taylor, Jr. March 29, 2020
Don't be a Hoarder! Randy Taylor, Jr. March 25, 2020
Heaven Help Our Homes! Randy Taylor, Jr. March 22, 2020
Interrupted Faith Randy Taylor, Jr. March 22, 2020
"It Is I; Be Not Afraid" Randy Taylor, Jr. March 18, 2020
Finding Faith in a Fearful Time Randy Taylor, Jr. March 18, 2020
Praying through Crisis Randy Taylor, Jr. March 14, 2020
How to get a clean record Randy Taylor, Jr. March 08, 2020
Jesus the Righteous Judge
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 08, 2020
Doing your part Randy Taylor, Jr. February 29, 2020
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 29, 2020
Dr. Bob Smith - What will you do with Jesus?
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith February 16, 2020
Seeking the Lord
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 12, 2020
Don't waste your valley Randy Taylor, Jr. February 02, 2020
Man: God’s Image, God's Masterpiece
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 29, 2020
Medal of Honor Recipient - Battle of Iwo Jima - Hershel "Woody" Williams
Series: Guest Preachers
Hershel Woody Williams January 29, 2020
CSM Archie Davis - "The Faithful Warrior"
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Archie Davis January 29, 2020
America's Unknown God
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 22, 2020
Redeem the Time Randy Taylor, Jr. January 19, 2020
To be or not to be? That is the question
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 15, 2020
Magnify the Lord in Prayer Randy Taylor, Jr. January 12, 2020
O magnify the Lord with me Randy Taylor, Jr. January 05, 2020
A Christian on Mars - Part 1: An Alien Encounter
Series: A Christian on Mars
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 01, 2020
Lean not unto thine own understanding Randy Taylor, Jr. December 29, 2019
Behold the Lamb Randy Taylor, Jr. December 22, 2019
Jesus, the Sweetest Name Randy Taylor, Jr. December 18, 2019
The Son of the Highest Randy Taylor, Jr. December 15, 2019
A new patch on old clothes - Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. December 08, 2019
A complete remedy for sin - Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. December 08, 2019
Preparing for the Cold Seasons Randy Taylor, Jr. December 04, 2019
The Battle for Hearts and Minds Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2019
The Power of Worship Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2019
My cup runneth over - Psalm 23 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2019
Is your heart right with God? Randy Taylor, Jr. November 17, 2019
Keep Going Forward Randy Taylor, Jr. November 17, 2019
The Sin of Neglect Randy Taylor, Jr. November 03, 2019
God's Hands - Kurt LaBouve
Series: Guest Preachers
Kurt LaBouve October 27, 2019
Be Saved Without Delay Randy Taylor, Jr. October 27, 2019
Finding Courage When You're Discouraged Randy Taylor, Jr. October 23, 2019
Sins Against the Holy Spirit Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2019
The Outstanding Obedience of the Rechabites Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2019
Why Did it Happen to Rizbah? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 02, 2019
Marred in the Hand of the Potter Randy Taylor, Jr. September 22, 2019
Unstable as Water Randy Taylor, Jr. September 15, 2019
You are Special to God Randy Taylor, Jr. September 15, 2019
The Identity of a Rebel Randy Taylor, Jr. September 01, 2019
The Fullness of the Spirit Randy Taylor, Jr. September 01, 2019
Your Adversary the Devil Randy Taylor, Jr. September 01, 2019
Does God Care? Randy Taylor, Jr. August 12, 2019
"And yet thou hast not known me" Randy Taylor, Jr. August 12, 2019
Why be Baptized? Randy Taylor, Jr. August 12, 2019
Learning to Live After Loss Randy Taylor, Jr. July 31, 2019
Why do Right? Randy Taylor, Jr. July 28, 2019
The Good Samaritan Randy Taylor, Jr. July 28, 2019
Nathan Gets a Confession Randy Taylor, Jr. July 13, 2019
Missionary Spencer Smith - "The Gift of God"
Series: Guest Preachers
Missionary Spencer Smith July 10, 2019
Bartimaeus...son of Timaeus Unknown June 30, 2019
Patriotic Service - "No one remembered the hero" Randy Taylor, Jr. June 23, 2019
The Cruel Burden of Guilt Randy Taylor, Jr. June 19, 2019
The Blessings of a Father - Father's Day Randy Taylor, Jr. June 16, 2019
Job's Afterlife - Life after the trials Randy Taylor, Jr. June 09, 2019
A Crime that Cursed a King - The Death of Uriah Randy Taylor, Jr. June 05, 2019
Prayer is Asking Randy Taylor, Jr. June 02, 2019
Back to the Ark of Safety Randy Taylor, Jr. June 02, 2019
"All It Took Was A Look" - David's Great Sin Randy Taylor, Jr. May 29, 2019
God's Covenant with David Randy Taylor, Jr. May 25, 2019
Be Still and Know That I Am God Randy Taylor, Jr. May 21, 2019
The Burden of the Unequal Yoke Randy Taylor, Jr. May 15, 2019
How to Raise a Samuel Randy Taylor, Jr. May 12, 2019
Why God Blessed Obed-Edom Randy Taylor, Jr. May 08, 2019
The Sin of Uzzah Randy Taylor, Jr. May 05, 2019
The Therapy of Thankfulness Randy Taylor, Jr. April 28, 2019
Jesus in the Midst Randy Taylor, Jr. April 21, 2019
If there were no Resurrection Randy Taylor, Jr. April 21, 2019
"But this Man" Randy Taylor, Jr. April 14, 2019
Making a Well in the Valley of Tears Randy Taylor, Jr. April 14, 2019
David went on, and grew great Randy Taylor, Jr. April 10, 2019
Faith in the Storm Randy Taylor, Jr. April 07, 2019
The Blessed Hope Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2019
Good News! Randy Taylor, Jr. March 31, 2019
Struggling for a Dream - David begins his reign Randy Taylor, Jr. March 27, 2019
Be the Blessing Randy Taylor, Jr. March 24, 2019
When Great Men Fall Randy Taylor, Jr. March 20, 2019
Two Legs or a Piece of an Ear Randy Taylor, Jr. March 20, 2019
The Reckoning - Saul's Judgement Day Randy Taylor, Jr. March 13, 2019
What to do when you don't know what to do Randy Taylor, Jr. March 10, 2019
When the Enemy Gets Your Family Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2019
Pastor Gary Lovens - "The River of Life"
Series: Guest Preachers
Pastor Gary Lovens March 03, 2019
Don't lose your faith at the finish line! Randy Taylor, Jr. February 27, 2019
Serving like the Saviour Randy Taylor, Jr. February 24, 2019
Saul's Date with the Devil Randy Taylor, Jr. February 20, 2019
"Favored in the Field" - Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. February 17, 2019
Don't Patch It, Fix It Randy Taylor, Jr. February 17, 2019
There's Grace for that Randy Taylor, Jr. February 10, 2019
What the Bible Says About Socialism Randy Taylor, Jr. February 10, 2019
David and Abigail Randy Taylor, Jr. February 06, 2019
The Cost of Falling Fire Randy Taylor, Jr. February 03, 2019
Is God Unfair? Randy Taylor, Jr. February 03, 2019
Chris Dallas - Leaving your past in the past Randy Taylor, Jr. January 28, 2019
The Life Story of Chris Dallas
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Chris Dallas January 28, 2019
What have you done to your conscience? Randy Taylor, Jr. January 22, 2019
The Harm of Insincere Forgiveness Randy Taylor, Jr. January 22, 2019
The Cave - Part 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 09, 2019
The Journey of Faith Randy Taylor, Jr. January 09, 2019
The Destructive Power of Anger Randy Taylor, Jr. January 02, 2019
Remembering Jesus Randy Taylor, Jr. December 30, 2018
Hope for a Hurting Heart Randy Taylor, Jr. December 30, 2018
Emmanuel - God with us Randy Taylor, Jr. December 23, 2018
Crucified with Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. December 10, 2018
Missionary Johnny Leslie - What are they among so many? Missionary Johnny Leslie December 05, 2018
Is There Not a Cause? Randy Taylor, Jr. December 05, 2018
Singing a NEW SONG Randy Taylor, Jr. December 05, 2018
Breaking the Cycle of Depression Randy Taylor, Jr. November 25, 2018
Brandon Neal - Thanks-GIVING Brandon Neal November 20, 2018
He Turns Our Sorrow into Joy Randy Taylor, Jr. November 18, 2018
Healing Family Hurts Randy Taylor, Jr. November 11, 2018
Mighty Men Randy Taylor, Jr. November 11, 2018
Tim Booth - When Strength of Character Becomes Our Biggest Problem
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 07, 2018
Tim Booth - Almost Persuaded
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 07, 2018
How Long Wilt Thou Mourn for Saul? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 31, 2018
The God of Second Chances Randy Taylor, Jr. October 28, 2018
Scott Hall - Praise the Lord Randy Taylor, Jr. October 24, 2018
Getting a Touch from God Randy Taylor, Jr. October 17, 2018
I Give it All Randy Taylor, Jr. October 13, 2018
Preparing for a Fight Randy Taylor, Jr. October 13, 2018
The Book, the Blood and the Blessed Hope - Evangelist Archie Davis
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Archie Davis October 13, 2018
If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Randy Taylor, Jr. September 09, 2018
Give Jesus Your Basket Randy Taylor, Jr. September 02, 2018
Living with an Awareness of God Randy Taylor, Jr. August 26, 2018
Worshiping an All-Knowing God Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2018
The Life Changing Power of Gratitude Randy Taylor, Jr. July 31, 2018
How Believing in God Changes Everything Randy Taylor, Jr. July 18, 2018
Temptation Randy Taylor, Jr. July 15, 2018
I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up Randy Taylor, Jr. July 08, 2018
Worshiping a Holy God Randy Taylor, Jr. June 24, 2018
A Faith That Can't Be Stopped Randy Taylor, Jr. June 24, 2018
Dr. Bob Smith - PM Service
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith June 24, 2018
Dr. Bob Smith - Father's Day
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith June 24, 2018
Eternity Randy Taylor, Jr. June 15, 2018
"Rehoboam the Unready" Randy Taylor, Jr. June 07, 2018
Weary in Well Doing Randy Taylor, Jr. June 04, 2018
Jesus Loves Sinners Randy Taylor, Jr. May 27, 2018
What doest thou here, Elijah? Randy Taylor, Jr. May 20, 2018
There's no one like Mamma and there's no place like Home Randy Taylor, Jr. May 13, 2018
Keys to Prayer Randy Taylor, Jr. May 09, 2018
Exceeding Great and Precious Promises Randy Taylor, Jr. May 09, 2018
What to Expect Randy Taylor, Jr. April 29, 2018
Randy Dignan - Whose gonna wake y'all up?
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Dignan April 21, 2018
Randy Dignan - When Revelation Becomes History
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Dignan April 21, 2018
Randy Dignan - Let Jesus Invade Your Personal Space
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Dignan April 21, 2018
He went about doing good Randy Taylor, Jr. April 15, 2018
Occupy Till I Come Randy Taylor, Jr. April 12, 2018
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr. - The Hidden Price of Adversity
Series: Guest Preachers
Randy Taylor, Sr. April 03, 2018
The Judgment Seat of Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. March 28, 2018
Missionary Sam Ward - Rahab the Soul Winner Sam Ward March 25, 2018
The Coronation of a King Randy Taylor, Jr. March 25, 2018
Much Given, Much Required Randy Taylor, Jr. March 11, 2018
Jesus is what makes the difference Randy Taylor, Jr. March 11, 2018
There's nothing like the real thing Randy Taylor, Jr. March 08, 2018
Evangelist Dan Martin "The Other Side of the Mountain" Randy Taylor, Jr. February 25, 2018
Making much of Jesus in our homes Randy Taylor, Jr. February 18, 2018
Essentials to Prayer_Part 2 Randy Taylor, Jr. January 28, 2018
Puzzled Randy Taylor, Jr. January 28, 2018
Essentials to Prayer Randy Taylor, Jr. January 17, 2018
Evangelist Chris Dallas - "Pleasing God"
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Chris Dallas January 10, 2018
Prominent or Preeminent? Randy Taylor, Jr. January 07, 2018
Be a Doer Randy Taylor, Jr. January 03, 2018
Lessons from the Wise Men Randy Taylor, Jr. December 17, 2017
There is Power in the Blood Randy Taylor, Jr. December 17, 2017
A Harp or a Javelin? Randy Taylor, Jr. December 03, 2017
Oliver Araiza - Visible Grace
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Oliver Araiza December 03, 2017
Oliver Araiza - The Most Overlooked Word at Christmas
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Oliver Araiza December 03, 2017
The Power of Going the Second Mile Randy Taylor, Jr. November 28, 2017
An Old Testament Thanksgiving Randy Taylor, Jr. November 21, 2017
The Law of Sowing and Reaping Randy Taylor, Jr. November 19, 2017
The Sin that so Easily Besets - Evangelist Tim Booth
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 19, 2017
Choosing the Pleasure of Sin for a Season - Evangelist Tim Booth
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 19, 2017
7 Steps of Backslidding Randy Taylor, Jr. November 01, 2017
Meditating about the Lord Randy Taylor, Jr. October 25, 2017
John 3:16 Randy Taylor, Jr. October 25, 2017
Can you burn? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 15, 2017
Its all about people Randy Taylor, Jr. October 08, 2017
Christian Priorities - "Personal Devotions" Randy Taylor, Jr. September 27, 2017
Jacob Shipman "Watch out for the Buffalo" Jacob Shipman September 27, 2017
Christian Priorities - "The Priority of Wisdom" Randy Taylor, Jr. September 15, 2017
How to get in on a miracle Randy Taylor, Jr. September 10, 2017
A Coffin or a Hope Chest? Randy Taylor, Jr. September 10, 2017
Lessons from a Hurricane Randy Taylor, Jr. September 03, 2017
Can they see the Grace of God? Randy Taylor, Jr. August 27, 2017
Christian Priorities - Soul Winning Randy Taylor, Jr. August 23, 2017
Dr. Bob Smith - It ain't over till the angel shouts
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith August 23, 2017
Dr. Bob Smith - Fruit Bearing
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith August 23, 2017
Christian Priorities - Effective Prayer Randy Taylor, Jr. August 16, 2017
Write the Bible - Lee Bowman
Series: Guest Preachers
Lee Bowman August 13, 2017
Bible Memorization - Lee Bowman
Series: Guest Preachers
Lee Bowman August 13, 2017
Givers Remorse Randy Taylor, Jr. August 13, 2017
Tam Bowman - Testimony and Tribute to Soldiers
Series: Guest Preachers
Tam Bowman August 13, 2017
The Power of Decision Randy Taylor, Jr. August 06, 2017
Christian Priorities - Developing Godly Character Randy Taylor, Jr. August 02, 2017
He loves me, He loves me not Randy Taylor, Jr. July 23, 2017
Christian Priorities - Putting God First Randy Taylor, Jr. July 19, 2017
"The truth about trouble" Missionary Spencer Smith
Series: Guest Preachers
Missionary Spencer Smith July 18, 2017
Have you signed your Declaration? Randy Taylor, Jr. July 02, 2017
God's Two Sheepdogs
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 25, 2017
A Father's Heart Randy Taylor, Jr. June 25, 2017
Blessed are the Peacemakers Randy Taylor, Jr. June 13, 2017
"My cup runneth over"
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. June 11, 2017
It takes faith to be faithful Randy Taylor, Jr. June 09, 2017
Dr. Chuck Harding - Sunday AM
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Chuck Harding June 06, 2017
Dr. Chuck Harding - "The Foundations that Sustain America"
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Chuck Harding June 06, 2017
Dr. Chuck Harding - Sunday School
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Chuck Harding June 06, 2017
In the valley of shadows
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 28, 2017
Blessed are the Merciful Randy Taylor, Jr. May 21, 2017
"He restoreth my soul"
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 21, 2017
Finding God's Favor Randy Taylor, Jr. May 17, 2017
Pleasing God Randy Taylor, Jr. May 17, 2017
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness Randy Taylor, Jr. May 17, 2017
"He maketh me to lie down"
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. May 07, 2017
Enoch walked with God Randy Taylor, Jr. May 03, 2017
"Blessed are they that mourn" Randy Taylor, Jr. April 30, 2017
The LORD is MY Shepherd
Series: Psalm 23
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 30, 2017
"Blessed are the poor in spirit" Randy Taylor, Jr. April 23, 2017
History or Destiny - Jon Jenkins
Series: Guest Preachers
Jon Jenkins April 21, 2017
Drowning in shallow water - Jon Jenkins
Series: Guest Preachers
Jon Jenkins April 21, 2017
The second is better than the first - Jon Jenkins
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Jon Jenkins April 18, 2017
He rose up - Jon Jenkins
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Jon Jenkins April 18, 2017
Remembering Calvary Randy Taylor, Jr. April 16, 2017
The Resurrection: Did it really happen and why does it matter? Randy Taylor, Jr. April 16, 2017
Evangelist Randy Taylor, Sr.
Series: Guest Preachers
Unknown April 11, 2017
How to Reach Your Lost Loved Ones for Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. March 26, 2017
My name is Jospeh: This is how I got here Randy Taylor, Jr. March 22, 2017
Jesus keep me near the Cross Randy Taylor, Jr. March 13, 2017
Learning to Think Small Randy Taylor, Jr. March 10, 2017
Evangelist Tim Booth - Philosophies of Another Jesus
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth March 10, 2017
Evangelist Tim Booth - Lessons Learned at the House of Mourning
Series: Guest Preachers
Tim Booth March 10, 2017
Broken Pieces Randy Taylor, Jr. February 22, 2017
Preparing for a Greater Purpose Randy Taylor, Jr. February 22, 2017
Knowing God's Strength
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 12, 2017
Training Disciples - Part 8 - The Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr. February 08, 2017
Knowing God's Grace
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 05, 2017
Spiritual Immaturity Randy Taylor, Jr. January 29, 2017
Knowing God's Forgiveness - The Onesimus Story
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr January 29, 2017
"Behold the Lamb" - Part 7 - The Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr January 26, 2017
Knowing God's Purpose
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 22, 2017
" Inauguration Day" Part 6 - The Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr. January 18, 2017
Knowing God Cares
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 16, 2017
"Repent!" Part 5 - The Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr. January 11, 2017
Did Jesus Drink Alcohol? Randy Taylor, Jr. January 08, 2017
Knowing God's Presence
Series: Knowing God
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 08, 2017
Wilderness Training - Part 4 - The Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr. January 04, 2017
Back to Bethel Randy Taylor, Jr. January 04, 2017
Raising a Child to Serve God - Part 3 - Life of John the Baptist Randy Taylor, Jr. December 29, 2016
Blessed Randy Taylor, Jr. December 25, 2016
Lessons from a Candle Randy Taylor, Jr. December 25, 2016
Mary's Christmas Song Randy Taylor, Jr. December 18, 2016
John the Baptist - Part 1 Randy Taylor, Jr. December 16, 2016
Dr. Randy Taylor. Sr. - When the night of weeping passes
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Randy Taylor. Sr. December 16, 2016
Heaven's Christmas Gifts Randy Taylor, Jr. November 27, 2016
Jesus our Deliverer Randy Taylor, Jr. November 20, 2016
Trading for Something Better Randy Taylor, Jr. November 15, 2016
Ted Huston "America has been blessed. Why?"
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Ted Huston November 09, 2016
Enlarging your Faith Randy Taylor, Jr. October 30, 2016
A Recipe for Revival Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2016
What is a Local Church? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 09, 2016
Part 6 "A more excellent way"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 05, 2016
Dan Martin - When the will of God leads us to a difficult place
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Dan Martin October 02, 2016
Part 5 "What love is"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 28, 2016
Abide with Me Randy Taylor, Jr. September 28, 2016
I love my church! Randy Taylor, Jr. September 25, 2016
Part 4 "What Love is NOT"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 14, 2016
Go on and GROW GREAT Randy Taylor, Jr. September 11, 2016
Part 3 "Love that survives the fire"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 07, 2016
Are you a good investment? Randy Taylor, Jr. September 06, 2016
God is trying to get your attention Randy Taylor, Jr. September 06, 2016
Part 2 "Love is Generous"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. September 01, 2016
It all comes down to this Randy Taylor, Jr. August 29, 2016
Part 1 "Love is Essential"
Series: Lessons on Love
Randy Taylor, Jr. August 25, 2016
America's New God Randy Taylor, Jr. August 14, 2016
The Value of a Soul Randy Taylor, Jr. August 12, 2016
Yet no one remembered the poor wise man Randy Taylor, Jr. July 24, 2016
Occult Practices Randy Taylor, Jr. July 17, 2016
Hope When Things Feel Hopeless Randy Taylor, Jr. July 17, 2016
Dr. Sylvester Matthews - "Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin"
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Sylvester Matthews July 17, 2016
How to Keep a Warm Heart Randy Taylor, Jr. June 30, 2016
The Blessings of Sorrow Randy Taylor, Jr. June 07, 2016
Take a look at tomorrow Randy Taylor, Jr. June 07, 2016
Sweeter gets the journey Randy Taylor, Jr. May 23, 2016
Uncut Diamonds Randy Taylor, Jr. May 22, 2016
Other Little Ships Randy Taylor, Jr. May 10, 2016
A Mother's Wages Randy Taylor, Jr. May 10, 2016
"When thou art converted"
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. April 20, 2016
Why people quit Randy Taylor, Jr. April 19, 2016
I know Somebody Randy Taylor, Jr. April 19, 2016
Sanctification Randy Taylor, Jr. April 19, 2016
Doom's Days Randy Taylor, Jr. April 11, 2016
Hershel "Woody" Williams - Medal of Honor
Series: Guest Preachers
Hershel Williams April 11, 2016
Your Personal Adversary Randy Taylor, Jr. April 04, 2016
Jon Jenkins - Get Up!
Series: Guest Preachers
Jon Jenkins March 31, 2016
Jon Jenkins - How to get a blank check from God
Series: Guest Preachers
Jon Jenkins March 31, 2016
Enduring to the End of the Season
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 23, 2016
Dr. Bob Smith - Things that get lost in the House of God
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith March 21, 2016
Dr. Bob Smith - Comfort for Troubled Hearts
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Bob Smith March 21, 2016
Patient in Persecution
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 16, 2016
Rick Dawson - "The Man of God"
Series: Guest Preachers
Rick Dawson March 16, 2016
Rapture Ready Randy Taylor, Jr. March 14, 2016
Dennis Corle - The rest of my time
Series: Guest Preachers
Dennis Corle March 11, 2016
What is your Life?
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. March 10, 2016
Too Blessed to be Stressed Randy Taylor, Jr. March 06, 2016
4 Keys to Victory Over Sin Randy Taylor, Jr. March 02, 2016
Marah is not the end of the Journey Randy Taylor, Jr. February 29, 2016
Frustrated by Emptiness
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. February 25, 2016
Love Beyond Reason Randy Taylor, Jr. February 15, 2016
A Stirred Heart Randy Taylor, Jr. February 09, 2016
Grace for the Pace Randy Taylor, Jr. February 09, 2016
A Matter of Life and Death
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 27, 2016
In Search of a Miracle or a Message? Randy Taylor, Jr. January 25, 2016
Little Things
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. January 21, 2016
How to Study Your Bible Randy Taylor, Jr. January 21, 2016
That I may know Him Randy Taylor, Jr. January 11, 2016
The Constraining Love of Christ Randy Taylor, Jr. January 04, 2016
The Royal Law
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 31, 2015
Hope for the Holidays Randy Taylor, Jr. December 21, 2015
Christmas Myths Randy Taylor, Jr. December 21, 2015
The Song of Solomon
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Randy Taylor, Sr. December 16, 2015
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Randy Taylor, Sr. December 16, 2015
Where is He that is Born?
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Randy Taylor, Sr. December 16, 2015
Pure vs. Vain Religion
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 10, 2015
Why do we sing at Christmas? Randy Taylor, Jr. December 10, 2015
The Man with No Reputation Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2015
Dr. Sylvester Matthews - Morning Service
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Sylvester Matthews December 01, 2015
Dr. Sylvester Matthews - Sunday School
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. Sylvester Matthews December 01, 2015
Saving the Soul of the Saved
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. December 01, 2015
Thanking God for Tough Times Randy Taylor, Jr. November 15, 2015
No man can serve two masters - Tim Booth
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 15, 2015
Give me thine heart - Tim Booth
Series: Guest Preachers
Evangelist Tim Booth November 15, 2015
Good and Perfect Gifts
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. November 13, 2015
Pastor Dawson's Salvation Testimony
Series: Guest Preachers
Rick Dawson November 08, 2015
Bitterness - Rick Dawson
Series: Guest Preachers
Rick Dawson November 08, 2015
One Step Away - Rick Dawson
Series: Guest Preachers
Rick Dawson November 05, 2015
The Trinity of God Randy Taylor, Jr. November 02, 2015
Facing Temptation
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 29, 2015
Think and Thank Randy Taylor, Jr. October 29, 2015
God Purpose for Trails and Testings
Series: "Faith that Works"
Randy Taylor, Jr. October 23, 2015
Can God Change Me? Randy Taylor, Jr. October 19, 2015
I'm not worthless to Him Randy Taylor, Jr. October 19, 2015
Keep Standing - Jason Kendrick
Series: Guest Preachers
Jason Kendrick October 06, 2015
Do you know that you're saved? - Jason Kendrick
Series: Guest Preachers
Jason Kendrick October 05, 2015
Overcoming Selfishness and Greed Randy Taylor, Jr. October 01, 2015
How to Prevent Snake Bite Randy Taylor, Jr. October 01, 2015
Overcoming Guilt Randy Taylor, Jr. September 24, 2015
The Ingredients for Disaster Randy Taylor, Jr. September 22, 2015
A Prayer from the Cave Randy Taylor, Jr. September 22, 2015
The Demonic Like Nature of Anger - SM Davis
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. SM Davis September 20, 2015
Are You Offended or Un-Offendable? SM Davis
Series: Guest Preachers
Dr. SM Davis September 15, 2015
Born to Fly Randy Taylor, Jr. September 09, 2015
God Bless You 8-30-15 AM Randy Taylor, Jr. August 30, 2015
Six Pillars of a Well-Built Home 8-30-15 PM Randy Taylor, Jr. August 30, 2015
Grasshopper Vision 8-26-15 Wed Randy Taylor, Jr. August 27, 2015
Losing Control 8-23-15 AM Randy Taylor, Jr. August 27, 2015
It's not easy being green 8-19-15 Randy Taylor, Jr. August 22, 2015
Lessons I've Learned While Praying Randy Taylor, Jr. August 18, 2015
The Curse of Sin Randy Taylor, Jr. August 18, 2015
Prevailing Prayer_Randy Taylor Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2015
Failing Forward_Randy Taylor Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2015
Remebering Jesus_Randy Taylor Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2015
What to Do When the Storm Comes_Randy Taylor Jr Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2015
When Your World Doesn't Make Since Randy Taylor, Jr. August 15, 2015

Content Copyright Belongs to Crossroads Baptist Church