The sermons and teachings of Rev. Randy Taylor. He is a powerful and truly anointed preacher who always speaks and stands for the truth. For more information on the church, go to
Recent Sermons
Title | Speaker | Date |
Spiritual War Pt1 (2Cor10:4-12) | Bro Randy Taylor | February 07, 2010 |
Last Supper (Luke22:7-24) | Bro Randy Taylor | February 07, 2010 |
Walking with Christ(Phil1:27-30) | Randy Taylor | February 07, 2010 |
Mighty Men (2Sam23:8-17) | Randy Taylor | February 07, 2010 |
Look within(James4:1-10) | Randy Taylor | February 07, 2010 |
Content Copyright Belongs to Southside Baptist Church Sermons