
Matching the Term: "Wisdom"

Wisdom of The Father

Dr. Ronald K. Powell

Crosswinds International A New Series on Wisdom (The Book of Proverbs) Taught January 3, 2016 @ 1:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Ronald K. Powell

The Path of Wisdom - Wisdom's Path

Chris Sheppard

God's teaching and instruction are sought after by the Christian. Through that work, God gives wisdom, insight and understanding. His wisdom and understanding protect the Christian from the many temptations in life.

Wisdom From Above vs. Wisdom From Below

Will O'Brien

James 3:13-18 Preacher: Pastor Will O'Brien

Get Wisdom, Use Wisdom

Pastor Joe Levesque

How to read the OT Wisdom Literature - Ecclesiastes 1:1-2:2:11 The Blunt Honesty of an Athiest - and then some

Langdon Palmer

Does life ever seem meaningless to you? Or, have you made some bad decisions, or are you facing some hard choices? In each of these cases what we need is wisdom - godly wisdom... and it can be found the section of the bible known as the books of wisdom. Job,Proverbs,Ecclesiastes are known as the books of wisdom and together with Psalms and The Song of Solomon are also known as the books of Poetry. Each of these five books gives a different type of wisdom that we desperately need to hear. Today we look first at a guiding principles...

False and True Wisdom | James 3:13-18

Pastor Joshua Lim

We're always on the search for wisdom to make right decisions, but we have to make sure we're leaning into the right kind of wisdom. Here, James contrasts false wisdom with true wisdom. Unlike false wisdom which is self-seeking and results in a destructive life, true wisdom is godly character and results in a thriving life. Ultimately, for James, true wisdom doesn’t just lead to taking the right kind of actions, but it also leads to becoming the right kind of person. And for us as Christians, we ultimately become wise people as we follow after Jesus, in whom is...

The Good Lady of Wisdom

Chris Sheppard

The good lady of wisdom makes her case to Solomon's son. Solomon explains wisdom's relationship to God and creation. Solomon then explains the great blessings that come from attaining wisdom.

Ep 16 - Proverbs 15 - Wisdom and Foolishness: ft Sheol, Abaddon, Menorah

Edward Davies

Proverbs 15: In chapter 15 of this Book of Wisdom, we encounter the regular topics of Wisdom and Foolishness, however, we also encounter topics such as Abaddon, Sheol and the Menorah.

What is Wisdom

Dr. Ivan Parke

The Beautiful Voice of Wisdom

Chris Sheppard

Wisdom cries aloud in the streets. It is our responsibility to pursue wisdom and to teach our children as well.

Wisdom and Popularity

Dr. Ronald K. Powell

Today's Message deals with relationships and what Proverbs 3 teaches about the wisdom to know and have right relationships.

Wisdom with Work (Proverbs 8)

Jeff Brower

If God himself used wisdom in His job, how much more do we need wisdom in our jobs? Join us as we talk about this important topic of work!

Wisdom and Friendship

Pastor Timothy Lee

We'll be continuing our journey of applying wisdom to different topics of life, and this week's topic is Friendship. We will see that friendship is a gift which has been given by God to be a blessing to others. The fool sees friendship as a means of gain and is driven by selfish desire in their relationships. The wise sees friendship as an opportunity to give, and is driven by a desire to bless those around them. We are all foolish in different ways, and we must look to our greatest Friend, Jesus, for wisdom.

The Call to God's Wisdom (An Introduction to the Proverbs)

Chris Sheppard

An introduction to the sermon series Wisdom for Christian Living - A Study through the Book of Proverbs

The Way of Wisdom

Pastor Timothy Lee

Life is full of choices where the answer is unclear, with multiple decisions that all seem morally acceptable. How do we make sense of these moments in our lives and make decisions that not only honor God but lead to fruitfulness? The Proverbs show us that what we need is wisdom. We will see what wisdom is, why we need it, and how to get it, which is ultimately starts with the fear of the LORD.

The wisdom of Giving Feb 28 2016

Dr. Ronald K. Powell

The Wisdom of Giving.... Putting the Father First! The Blessings of and consequences of Not doing this.

Wisdom from the Fathers // Beach AM // Otto Roverts, Phil Roulston & Stan Tawa

Wisdom from the Fathers

Otto Roverts, Phil Roulston & Stan Tawa all speak at the Beach 9am service bringing Wisdom from the Fathers on Father's Day

Wisdom Can't Know This

Todd Weber

Wisdom is great to a point. But what do we do when human wisdom fails us? This message focuses on what we do when we don't have all the answers.

The House of Wisdom or the House of Folly?

Chris Sheppard

The good lady of wisdom calls for the young son to come to her feast.

Having Wisdom And Openness

Dr. Danny V. Ray

Coffee ☕️ And Conversation Hope From Gordon Avenue Baptist Having Wisdom And Openness

Wisdom about work

Kevin Webb