Palm Sunday

Series: Pastor Nate

April 10, 2022
Pastor Nate Roschen

Palm Sunday Matthew 21 The people were ecstatic! They shouted: “Hosanna to the Son of David;
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord;
 Blessed is the King of Israel!” They laid down palm branches and their cloaks on the ground before Him. Their King had finally come! Only days later, this King was hung on a cross. Their longed-for Messiah was not what they expected. Their hopes of gaining political power and freedom from their Roman oppressors were dashed. But… The King did ride into Jerusalem on that day, and He did come to deliver. He came to save. What is our response to this King who came to save us from more than just momentary light affliction, but sin and death itself? Do we still cry out, Hosanna, (which means “please save”)? Join us, as we seek this Messiah who comes to us, and longs to be King of our hearts! Pastor Nate

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