Help chapter 5 Grace! The Abundant, Righteous Hand of God

Series: What Is Your Life Worth

August 25, 2021
Shawn Chris King

When we hold onto material objects rather than the Spirit, then you are either grieving the Lord or, maybe, you have never come to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not wait another minute, cry out to the One that made you, that gave you life, as His blood was shed for you! Call out to Him and seek Him through His Word by faith, for He will show you Himself. You might say that you are reading, praying, and hoping, but there is still no peace in your life. But you could be forgetting that He wants you to know Him, to love Him and not to go through rituals, but to cling to Him. His peace will come; keep seeking Him, for the Lord God says, “they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me” (Isaiah 49:23). Furthermore, fellowship with other believers, setting aside time to sit, stand, ride, whatever you need to do to have time to get into His Word, to hear His voice for your faith will grow in Him. The Holy Spirit, God, will begin taking away those idols you hold so dearly until you see Him face-to-face in your new body that does not die. Also on a audiobook: Message me for a promo code for the audiobook! ‬‬

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