Philippians 3a- "Beware of Dogs"

Series: How to Find Joy and Contentment

November 16, 2020
Jeff Brower

When you see a sign in a fenced in yard that says: "Beware of Dogs" you'll likely conclude that if you go into that yard dogs will tear you up. In the day that Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians, dogs as pets were uncommon. What Paul refers to in chapter 3 were these semi-wild "scavenger dogs" who would sniff for things to tear into and ravage. This is the metaphor for the false teachers that were going around from church to church, sniffing out things in order to tear into people. These false teachers know as the "Judaizers" were all about adding and keeping rules in order to be acceptable before God. Paul says beware of people like that. All you need is Jesus. Join us.

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