(2 Peter 1:1-8) Make Every Effort - Part 1

Series: Make Every Effort

June 04, 2017
Jeff Brower

What part do we play in our growth as believers in Jesus? Does it even matter what we do? In this study, the Apostle Peter is countering the false teachers of the day who encouraged the believers to be complacent with their faith. They taught that because Salvation is by faith, and not based on good works, you can just live however you want. This was causing the believers to be ineffective and unproductive in their Christian lives. Peter makes it clear that, yes salvation is by faith alone apart from good works, but we still need to work at this so that our lives look more and more like Jesus as time goes on. And if we aren't working at growing in our character of life, then it says something about our faith. In other words this Christian life takes effort. And the part we play really does matter.

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