06.21.20 A Miracle and Message

Series: Unstoppable God

June 21, 2020
Jay Vanderbur

ONE is a big enough number for God! In Acts chapter 2 God moves in a miraculous and powerful way and 3,000 people are born again into God’s family! Acts chapter 3 serves as a bit of a contrast because God once again moves in a miraculous and powerful way, but it’s not on behalf of a crowd, it’s on behalf of a disabled, poor man begging in front of the temple. The man that could not walk had a need and his need was obvious, but Peter is quick to point to the truth that we all have a need - we all desperately need Jesus! A crowd gathered as witnesses of a miracle, but they too had the opportunity to experience a miracle of their own - their guilt could get in the way, their pride could blind them to their need, their ignorance could leave them just as helpless and hopeless as the lame man, but if they would dare to hope in Jesus, then their lives’ too could be transformed! How about you? Would you dare to hope in Jesus? You may be surprised at what you find if you take that step of faith!

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