Will God really live on earth? - 1 Kings 8:10-11, 22-30

Series: Message of Hope

August 20, 2024
Pastor Hans Peters

Once a Christian educator wrote and taught a great deal about the idea of place or maybe let’s call it a portion of space that is available as something unique and distinct from a mere location… this concept made me ask… have you ever taken a closer look at a spider web? Well, I got curious, and so I did. If you would like us to pray for you, please send your prayer request to: pastor@ustepin.com If you would like to see this or previous messages, either as video or audio versions, please visit us at: https://www.ustepin.com We feel God is blessing us as we create these weekly Sunday sermons and that is all the recompense we need. But if you would like to be a part of this ministry and support the creation of these videos with a gift, please e-transfer your gift to: giving@ustepin.com (please note that no tax receipts will be issued) Complete transcripts of the Sermon may be obtained by emailing pastor@ustepin.com Copyright UstepIn Hope Ministries 2024

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