When God speaks! – Jeremiah 1:4-14
Series: A Sermon that stands alone.
February 01, 2025
Pastor Hans Peters
In Josiah’s day, boys were considered men at age of 12, by 16 Josiah understood the responsibility of his office. He showed greater wisdom than many of the older kings who came before him, because he had decided to seek the Lord God and his wisdom. Jeremiah was called by God to be a prophet to Judah, a job he held for the next 70 years until their return from captivity in Babylon. He lived through the period of the disintegration of the kingdom, witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, and spent the remaining years of his life in Egypt. We need to realize that God has a purpose for each Christian, but some people are appointed by God for specific kinds of work and whatever work He has appointed you to do should be done for the glory of God. And if you are still wondering what that work is, then seek to fulfill the mission common to all believers: to love, to obey, and to serve God, until his guidance or your life becomes clear. If you would like us to pray for you, please send your prayer request to: pastor@ustepin.com If you would like to see this or previous messages, either as video or audio versions, please visit us at: https://www.ustepin.com We feel God is blessing us as we create these weekly Sunday sermons and that is all the recompense we need. But if you would like to be a part of this ministry and support the creation of these videos with a gift, please e-transfer your gift to: giving@ustepin.com (please note that no tax receipts will be issued) Copyright UstepIn Hope Ministries 2024
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