I will put my Spirit in you. - Ezekiel 37:1, 5-14

Series: A Sermon that stands alone.

May 17, 2024
Pastor Hans Peters

This Sunday is Pentecost and we're remembering what happened to the Apostles on that day almost 2,000 years ago, when wind like a storm moved through their room. About 2,600 years ago Ezekiel prophesied about dried bones and God breathing life into them with a wind. I wonder if we run into dry bones at one time or another and how we react to them. Dry bones might represent someone who has lost hope, lost vitality, lost direction, lost God? If you would like us to pray for you, please send your prayer request to: pastor@ustepin.com If you would like to see this or previous messages, either as video or audio versions, please visit us at: https://www.ustepin.com We feel God is blessing us as we create these weekly Sunday sermons and that is all the recompense we need. But if you would like to be a part of this ministry and support the creation of these videos with a gift, please e-transfer your gift to: giving@ustepin.com (please note that no tax receipts will be issued) Complete transcripts of the Sermon may be purchased for a nominal fee by emailing pastor@ustepin.com Copyright UstepIn Hope Ministries 2024

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