I have decided - Psalm 32

Series: Repentance and new Life

March 26, 2022
Pastor Hans Peters

Psalm 32, a song full of joy, but it also points out an issue many of us need to deal with. we need to decide. Today's message is titled: "I have decided" . I think the best example for "I have decided" is in Luke 15 where Jesus tells the parable of the prodigal son. You remember, right? Youngest son gets dad to give him his inheritance and then takes off into a foreign land and parties until money runs out and a famine comes. He hires out to earn food, working with pigs. Even their food looks good to him... Then he makes a decision, admits his shame and guilt and sin, returns to dad looking to be a servant, but dad receives him with open arms. He decided. If you would like to support the creation of these messages, please e-transfer your support to giving@ustepin.com (please note, no tax receipts will be issued)

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