Called to be a friend for life - 2 Samuel 1:17-27

Series: Cleaned and Called

June 28, 2024
Pastor Hans Peters

When David and Jonathan met, they became close friends at once. Their friendship is one of the deepest and closest recorded in the Bible. They based their friendship on commitment to God, not just each other. They let nothing come between them, not even career or family problems. They drew closer together when their friendship was tested. They remained friends to the end. But, while David had a good friend for life in Jonathan, I believe we have a good friend for eternity in Jesus Christ our Lord! If you would like us to pray for you, please send your prayer request to: If you would like to see this or previous messages, either as video or audio versions, please visit us at: We feel God is blessing us as we create these weekly Sunday sermons and that is all the recompense we need. But if you would like to be a part of this ministry and support the creation of these videos with a gift, please e-transfer your gift to: (please note that no tax receipts will be issued) Complete transcripts of the Sermon may be purchased for a nominal fee by emailing Copyright UstepIn Hope Ministries 2024

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