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Tony McElveen

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

All messages are designed to encourage the listeners, and to help you understand how awesome of a person you really are. life throws so many challenges at each and everyone of us and the truth is, sometimes we fall. However, falling isn't the problem, staying down after the fall is indeed the problem. Here at Tony McElveen Podcast, we are determined to help you GET BACK UP! You are still valuable to your family, to your church, to your community, and most of all you are still valuable to yourself. We pray something will be spoken in these Podcasts that will help you in some area of your life. IF YOU ARE ENJOYING THE PODCAST - DO ME A FAVOR, TAKE A MOMENT TO SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE when you subscribe you will be notified instantly once a new podcast is available.


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All messages are designed to encourage the listeners, and to help you understand how awesome of a person you really are. life throws so many challenges at each and everyone of us and the truth is, sometimes we fall. However, falling isn't the problem, staying down after the fall is indeed the problem. Here at Tony McElveen Podcast, we are determined to help you GET BACK UP! You are still valuable to your family, to your church, to your community, and most of all you are still valuable to yourself. We pray something will be spoken in these Podcasts that will help you in some area of your life. IF YOU ARE ENJOYING THE PODCAST - DO ME A FAVOR, TAKE A MOMENT TO SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE when you subscribe you will be notified instantly once a new podcast is available.



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No More Stress!!

Understand why stress is so harmful to your life and importance of a "Stress Response."


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Men Are The Providers Not Women

A man provide for his household, and he doesn't care what the woman has or doesn't have, because he understand it is his job and responsibility to provide for his family.


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Look On The Inside - There's GOLD!!

Your life is filled with Gold, If you would only look deep inside yourself, you will discover it ALL.


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When Life Get Hard - Get Determined

We all will hit hardship in our lives at one point or another. However, when Life Get Hard- Get Determined. Determine to win, determined to succeed, and determined to overcome.


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I Refuse To Lose

Life is similar to a football Game, you have a defense and a offense. The ultimate goal of the offense is to make it to the End Zone and Score, but the job of the defense is to Stop you for reaching that goal. To achieve your goal you must possess a Refuse to Lose Mindset.


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Why You're not Living Your Best Life "Now?"

No more excuses for you not living your best life Now. This podcast will encourage you to go fulfill all that's in your heart.


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Why Men Fail In Relationships

So many men fail in their personal relationships with their women, and there is a simple reason why, but most importantly, there is a simple solution.


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Fighting Temptation Pt.2

Lady shares testimony on being addicted to sex and how it disrupt her life.


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Do This And GET WHATEVER you pray for

There's reason why you're not receiving EVERYTHING you pray for. Please don't Ignore this message.


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Pain & Suicidal Thoughts Pt.2

Powerful testimony from a man that attempted suicide.


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The #1 Thing Men Need From Women

There's ONE thing men need from women above all other, and only a Small percentage of women know it, and put it into practice.


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Salvation Is Permanent

Your salvation is indeed permanent. For so many years christians felt SAVE but they never felt SAFE. I want you to know you are Save and Safe in Christ Period.


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Fighting SEXUAL Temptation Pt.1

Sexual Temptation is arguably the strongest temptation human beings experience in their lives, and is the most difficult to fight. Doesn't matter who you are, or what your church title is. Sexual temptation is powerful, but there is a way to overcome it.
