Living By Faith

January 19, 2025
Pastor Terry Brosius

Purpose Statement: With God all things are possible. Do we believe it? What is the secret to Living by faith? Without faith it is impossible to believe God. Why? Everything comes by faith. Do we take action based on what we believe? You are what you believe. Faith grows based on our use of it. When you go to the gym and say “I’m going to change the fat to not much”---- “I’m going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.” What does adaptive stress levels do? Faith and exercise have similarities. If you can’t believe God for the little things how will He solve the bigger challenges? Believe and exercise. What do you really believe? Faith is believing that God will do for you. What does faith do? What did God do for you? Thirty seconds of faith is worth a year and a half of your tears. How do you exercise faith in God? Faith causes prayer to work. What is faith? By faith what did Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, and even Sarah do?

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