the Faithful Steward

April 26, 2020
Pastor Jack Ward

Stewards are those who trusted to be in charge. If you are an administrator, supervisor or a leader, someone has trusted you to be in charge of their assets. We have to have responsible people that can be trusted to do what is best for both those above them and those below them. A good administrator has to balance the interests of the company and the needs of the employees. Most of the time a good administrator will figure those things out easily. But a bad administrator or steward will not balance those things because of two reasons. Fear and selfishness. They are afraid to do what is right for all concerned because they want to please only the higher ups or the employees and that hurts both parties. So those they are responsible to and those they are responsible for are both affected. Or…….. they want to please themselves….. so that is their over arching concern for all that they do and it causes dissent and problems from both those they are responsible to and those they are responsible for. We are ALL to be faithful Administrators of all that God has left us to do and to be. 1

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