How To Destroy A Great Thing

October 06, 2019
Pastor Jack Ward

Hosea’s Heartbreak and God’s Grief. The tragic marriage of Hosea and Gomer painted a vivid portrait for the Israelites of how God viewed His relationship with them. Hosea and Gomer compared to God and Israel. God commands Hosea to marry a wayward woman. His whole life was a living portrayal of how God felt about Israel. *Hosea marries Gomer (1:3). God is betrothed to Israel (2:19). *Hosea is a faithful husband (3:3). God is a faithful “Husband” (1:7). *Hosea’s love is unrequited (3:1). God’s love is unrequited (3:1). *The relationship disintegrates (3:1). The relationship disintegrates (2:2). *Gomer pursues other men (3:1). Israel pursues other gods (4:1). *Gomer is indifferent to the feelings of Hosea (3:1). Israel is indifferent to God’s feelings (11:1). *Hosea has a daughter whose name Lo-Ruhamah means “Not Loved” (1:6). God will not have pity on His wayward children in Israel (5:6). *Hosea has a son whose name Lo-Ammi means “Not My People” (1:9). God declares that the Israelites are not His people (1:9). *Hosea redeems and restores the adulterous Gomer (3:2). God redeems and restores the unfaithful nation, Israel (14:4–8). A man who has found a wife hath found a good thing. But In Hoseas case maybe he couldn’t quite say that because His wife was unfaithful and caused him much grief. Marriage is a great thing and many destroy it. Israel had a great thing with God and we will see what happened....

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