Ty Colbert Interview: Transitions From Prison

Series: Transition

January 27, 2024
Hank Branch

Welcome to the podcast. I’m your host Brother Branch and servant of the Lord. To God be the Glory! Thank you for taking time out your schedule. Inmates across the country look forward to their release day. For many it’s been a long time. Some have served 30, 40 or even 50 years in Prison. The world has changed in so many ways, but they look forward to release day regardless of these changes. So many different emotions, from happiness to excitement, to some anxiety, and joy, They have waited on this day. But to think that the process of integrating back into society will be smooth sailing is naive. There are major problems ex-inmates face as they seek to rebuild their lives. This is particularly true of parolees that served a very long prison sentence. Today we invite you to join us in our series entitled “Transition”

Episode Notes

Throughout our series we will explore four challenges to prisoner reentry and potential solutions to each problem through the eyes of those who live this situation.  These
These 4 challenges are: Challenge #1: Not Knowing, Where to Begin, Challenge #2: Family, Challenge #3: Employment, and Challenge #4: Mental Health Issues
There are many moving parts to prisoner reentry – reconnecting with friends and family, finding a place to live, and finding work, to name but a few. It can be an overwhelming process to navigate. In part 2 of our Series “Transition”: we heard from another what this is like.

Content Copyright Belongs to Fredericksburg Seventh-day Adventist Church