"Confidence in Hope" 2 Corinthians 2:12-5:21

Series: Expository Sermons

March 07, 2022
David Reyes

The Apostle Paul shows us three characteristics of the Ministry of the New Covenant in the Second Letter to the Corinthians. 1. The Clear Credentials, 2. The Concealed Glory, and 3. The Celestial Hope. Servants of Christ can learn from these genuine characteristics of ministry. Christians who are active in witnessing for Christ, service for God's Church and the evangelistic effort for the lost world can identify with the effectiveness of Paul's ministry of the gospel, and may continue being led in triumphant procession by the Lord Jesus Christ! This is the second expository sermon of a series of four messages in 2 Corinthians. I recommend reading the Bible passages in order to understand the most and benefit greatly from these recordings, and my prayer is that the God of all comfort may comfort your soul as well, God bless you!

Episode Notes

“Confidence in Hope”

( 2 Corinthians 2:12 - 5:21. )


  1. Illustration of “The Story of a Father Who Sacrificed His Son to Save His Son’s Friend” opening.

  2. The title of my sermon is, “Confidence in Hope,” and my text is 2 Cor. 2:12-5:21.

  3. Pauls shows us 3 Characteristics of the Ministry of the New Covenant.

What are these characteristics?

I. The characteristic of CLEAR CREDENTIALS, vss. 2:12-3:18.

  1. Shown in its successful conquests in evangelism and missions, vss. 2:12-17.

  2. Shown in its sufficient confidence in God, vss. 3:1-6.

  3. Shown in its subsequent results and comparison, vss. 3:7-18.

      Illustration of an open air preacher challenged by an atheist to a debate, whoever loses would pay for renting Hall and expenses. Accepted, he said, on one condition bring me 50 people your philosophy has helped and I'll bring hundreds whose lives have been transformed. Challenger departed- Gospel Herald

  Application: Are we open about our testimony? Is our ministry leading people to Christ to be transformed?

TRANSITION: “Not only does Pauls show us the characteristic of Clear Credentials but also…”

II. The characteristic of CONCEALED GLORY, vss. 4:1-15.

  1. Having a clear proclamation of the gospel light that represents Christ, vss. 4:1-6.

      2. Having a climatic power after a resilient career that relies on Christ, vss. 4:7-12.

      3.   Having a congregation partnership that produces praise, vss. 4:13-15.

      Illustration of Chris preaching to drunk Ray Gallasso, who was saved and came to Bible study.

  Application: Do we realize the promise we have in Christ? Do we understand that our circumstances change but God does not? Are we continuing to preach a clear gospel?

TRANSITION: “Not only does Pauls show us the characteristics of Clear Credentials, and Concealed Glory but also…”

III. The characteristic of CELESTIAL HOPE, vss. 4:16-5:21.

  1. Shown in the Christian rest, and celestial resurrection, vss. 4:16-5:5.

  2. Shown in the resolute faith, and the receiving of rewards, vss. 5:6-15.

  3. Shown in the Christian creed, and Commitment to the Call, vss. 5:16-21.

  4.  Illustration of “2 things will surprise us in heaven: who is there and who is   not.” - John Hannah

     Application: Do we realize that in Christ we’re not what we seem? Are we resolute in our commitment?


  1. Therefore seeing, the CLEAR CREDENTIALS, the CONCEALED GLORY, and the CELESTIAL HOPE,

  2. Let us understand, and apply these 3 Characteristics of the Ministry of the New Covenant that Pauls shows us us!

  3. Illustration of “The Story of a Father Who Sacrificed His Son to Save His Son’s Friend” closing.

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