Reframing Independence Day -Acknowledging History and Encouraging Unity
July 03, 2023
Rev Dr. Richard Kent (Ravenbrook)
What if the freedom we celebrate every 4th of July came at an immense cost to those who were here before us? As we mark yet another Independence Day, it's time to put on our introspection hats and acknowledge the complex history of our nation. We have to remember that while we are reveling in the joy of our independence, our ancestors took that very freedom from others, particularly the Native Americans. Our celebration is a commemoration of unfulfilled promises to them, a stark reminder of the persecution and slaughter they faced. It's time to embrace the diversity that makes us who we are today. Drawing on the pain and hurt of our history, let's strive to understand our similarities and use them to make amends. By acknowledging and accepting our past, we can ensure that we do not repeat the mistakes of those before us and foster unity through love and acceptance. As we stand on the precipice of another Independence Day, let's choose to act on the understanding that we've been wrong before, and that it's okay to admit it. Let's learn from our history and strive to create a world where we are all one people.
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