Questioning the Church: In Search of Genuine Spiritual Liberty
December 02, 2023
Rev Dr. Richard Kent (Ravenbrook)
Is there a chance that the liberty to express our belief systems is nothing more than a mirage? We're diving deep into the heart of America, questioning the very essence of religious freedom. We're staring the discomforting reality in the face, acknowledging the grief that comes with breaking away from a religious background. We're angry, and rightly so, at the misuse of funds by the corporate church as the world suffers. Conversations about the wrongs committed in the name of religion are tough, but we must have them. Ever wondered how the church's tax-exempt status and involvement in government affairs might be inhibiting your spiritual freedom? We're challenging these structures and confronting oppressive tactics by certain religious leaders. It's high time we protect our children from harmful teachings, and promote acceptance and love instead. In our quest for true spiritual freedom, we stress the importance of religious equality and the need for equal opportunities for all religions. It's imperative to distinguish between private beliefs and public actions, and remember - what happens in the public sphere matters to all of us. Here's to impactful changes within the church and a hope-filled future!
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