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This five-week series focuses on the book of Galatians. The church community highlighted in this book had traded the simplicity of the gospel for a false message of works, legalism, and trying to please God by keeping and holding to what they could "add" to their faith to make it more complete. Throughout this series, we will learn how the simple message of the gospel can cause huge transformations in the lives of people: a life of walking in the Spirit results in loving God and others well, without being swayed by adding anything to what Jesus did for us to have a complete relationship with Him. Sunday 1/5/2020 @ 10:00 am at ICC

Title Speaker Date
No Other Gospel... Week 1 Fred Kison January 05, 2020
The Truth...(and when its time to throw a punch!) ..Week 2 Fred Kison January 12, 2020
Faith...Week 3 Fred Kison January 19, 2020
Galatians ...(week 4)...A Promise of Faith and A Purpose for Law Fred Kison January 26, 2020
Galatians...(Week 5)...Winning The Battle Fred Kison February 09, 2020

Content Copyright Belongs to Fred Kison Ministries