Presence and the Practice of Gratitude | Palm Sunday April 02 Worship Gathering

April 02, 2023
Storied Church

“This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Today we talked about how the practice of gratitude is the pathway to joy and being present. We talked about three ways we might practice gratitude. 1. Share what you are grateful for around the table. 2. Write three things you are grateful for each day in a journal. 3. Give gratitude away. Write someone a card or an email about how grateful you are for them. SUNDAY COLLECT: Almighty and everlasting God, who, so that the human race might have an example of humility, hast made our Savior to take our flesh and undergo the Cross; graciously grant that we may deserve to have both the lessons of His patience and the fellowship of His resurrection. Through the same our Lord. AMEN. Find out more about Storied Church: TO GIVE visit our link tree and click "GIVE NOW": JOIN OUR LISTSERVE: youtube:


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