What's your Name?
December 29, 2019
Rev. Jimmie Hicks, Jr
After 20 years of work , the change was already in Jacob, But he could only identify with his past So he held on to God and would not let go until he blessed him. Even though the encounter, was painful he would not let go And God blessed him by changing what he was called, What he responded to God changed his name from Jacob to isreal From grabber and deciever to one who has power with God He was blessed at birth but needed a name change to believe it We have names attached to us based on our behavior And when we get called to be saved We like Jacob are still wrestling with God • We wrestle with the word • We wrestle with holiness • We wrestle with righteousness And in the middle of our wrestling match with God, When we are begging God to bless us God ask us…. What is your name?
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