"Why Are You Weeping?" Luke 19:41-48
Series: Trinity Season Gospel Sermons
August 13, 2023
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
The Tenth Sunday After Trinity 13-August-2023 Sermon Text: Luke 19:41-48 Sermon Theme: “Why Are You Weeping?” by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
Episode Notes
The Tenth Sunday After Trinity 13-August-2023
Sermon Text: Luke 19:41-48
Sermon Theme: “Why Are You Weeping?” by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
I.N.R.I. August 9th the weeping prophet mourned as the Temple mount was breeched by its enemies. The once magnificent Temple, where the Lord God had placed His Name, was torn down - it’s structures burned - anything of value looted. The residents of Jerusalem taken away captive. Jeremiah remained among the ruins of the once magnificent city of David weeping. He laments. You can read his book of Lamentations. Solomon’s beautiful temple was laid waste on August 9th, 587B.C..
August 9th the Word spoken by the God/Man were fulfilled. Forty years earlier riding towards Jerusalem to fulfill the Final Passover by sacrificing His innocent flesh and pour out His holy precious blood for all sinners - He wept. The crowds on Palm Sunday rejoiced, but Jesus wept. He knew the judgment that would fall on His beloved city. She rejected God’s Word. She would betray the Messiah and demand His crucifixion. On August 9th, 70 A.D. the Roman legions, now commanded by Titus, breeched the Temple Mount. King Herod’s magnificent temple was leveled to the ground Jerusalem destroyed. The Jewish historian Flavis Josephus records the horrific details of the Jewish wars and the final siege of Jerusalem that in April of 70 A.D.. When millions of Jewish pilgrims filled Jerusalem for Passover. Titus laid siege cutting off their food supply. By June the captive Jews were eating shoe leather seasoned with bird droppings, by July some mothers resorted to cannibalizing their children. Seasoned Roman warriors were appalled at the scenes they beheld when they breeched Jerusalem’s walls. Word spread that some Jews had swallowed their money. The Roman soldiers eviscerated them, until their commanders stopped the slaughter. Then Josephus records that Jews were sold into slavery - 30 for a penny.
Jesus wept on Palm Sunday for His people didn’t know the day of their visitation. God in the Flesh - He had come to redeem them. His body was the True Temple in which God the Creator dwelt as Man among His fallen and lost creatures. The Jewish leaders were certain that political power and money were the things that made for their peace. They feared that the Romans would destroy their city and take away their Temple if they allowed Jesus to go on preaching, healing the sick, raising the dead. They had no idea of the things that made for their peace. Jesus wept for them.
Jesus wept for you! He has compassion on you! Even when our culture has chosen death over life. For it knows neither the things that make for peace or that Emmanuel visits His people today.
Therefore repent. Turn away from our dying culture. Turn from your sin. Hear the voice of your Savior! “Why Are You Weeping?” I. Know the things that make for your peace (vs.41-42). II. Rejoice in the time of your visitation(vs.43-44). III. Be glad to come into this House of Prayer(vs.45-46). IV. Listen to Jesus!(vs.47-48).
I. What are the things that make for your peace? What do you run to in times of trouble? Where do you find security in times of trouble? What do you boast about? What do you need to rejoice? Where do you look expecting all good and to find refuge in times of distress? Sitting in the pew on a Sunday - it is easy to give the “godly” answer - but honestly examine your heart. Were you more excited about maybe winning the Schwiezer Fest Half-Pot last night....or receiving forgiveness of all your sins this morning in absolution? Were your more excited to cheer on people stuffing their faces with blueberry pies....or to joyfully sing the hymns and liturgy as Christ Jesus feeds us His living Word? Where is your heart?
Do I fear, love, and trust in God above all things? Or do I idolize money, fun, my feelings, my thinking, my wants, and my needs. If I am honest I often fall down before the false god called “ME!” We weep, mourn, and mope as no one sees how important “ME” is...we lie that if only we get more likes...then we will have peace.
Listen! (Lk 19:41) The Prince of Peace is riding towards His throne. Holy angels rejoiced to sing that in His flesh and blood alone there is now “peace on earth.” In Him alone we find God’s “good will toward” fallen and lost mankind. King Jesus comes to win our peace over sin, Satan, death, and hell. Riding on the back of a borrowed donkey Jesus disciples rejoice “Luk 19:38 saying: " 'BLESSED IS THE KING WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" If they weren’t singing the rocks themselves were burst into praise that its Creator is coming to restore its peace by taking away the sin of the world.
Jerusalem was wilfully ignorant. They knew the words of the prophets. The last and greatest prophet John the baptizer pointed them to Jesus. Baptismal water fixes our eyes on Peace - “Joh 1:29 , "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” You don’t earn peace with God - He gives it to you in the flesh and blood of His Son. You don’t find peace with God - it finds you at the font comforting you from infancy that by His death and resurrection - His God is forever “Your God”. His Father is forever “Your Father.” Return to your baptism daily, wash the muddy idol of “ME” from your eyes and see Jesus only - Your Peace!
II. How can Jesus be “my Peace” when He’s left? Hasn’t He ascended into Heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand? If only He’d visit me? We lament not knowing the Scriptures or the power of Christ’s Word. Listen to Him! (Lk. 19:43-44).
The trouble started in 66A.D.. Jewish Zealots rebelled against the Roman procurator Gessius Florus after he confiscated 17 talents from the Temple treasury. After Roman soldiers massacred 600 Jews, the zealots massacred Roman soldiers. The city rose up in revolt and drove the Roman garrison out of its walls. Emperor Nero sent his best general Vespasian to put down the rebellion. He raised and trained an army marching towards Jerusalem. His campaign would culminate in Jerusalem’s destruction in 70A.D.
The Christian Church, birth in Jerusalem on Pentecost, through preaching and baptizing had left the city. Listening to Jesus’ Words many had fled to Pella, east of the Jordan River. They knew the “day of their visitation.” Every Sunday! Have your forgotten what our early brothers and sisters in Christ knew? Listen to Jesus’ promise sealed to you in baptismal water, “Mat 28:20 and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Jesus’ triumphant ascension and enthronement wasn’t to get away from His lambs and sheep - but to be with them always. He is present now as True God and True Man where the Church gathers, even if it is only two or three, around His Word to receive His gifts. Repent of breaking faith with His Word and promise. He is present - here - every Sunday to visit you with forgiveness of all your sins. He visits you to fill you with His life breathing forth the Holy Spirit through His forgiving Word. He visits you with His salvation - Sunday after Sunday.
III. Have you made His Church a den of thieves? A thief breaks into a home taking what doesn’t belong to him. Trusting in his own stealthy plans he forces entry to take what isn’t given him. A son and daughter receives freely from their Father’s love within His House.
The Lord is in His Temple! (Lk.19:45-46). Three years earlier, St. John records, that Jesus drove out the money changers in the Temple during Passover. Now He does it again. Why? Not so we wouldn’t have soup suppers or chicken dinners within a church building. No! He would tenderly invite us to believe that God is our Father and we are His dear children so that with all boldness and confidence we as Him as dear children ask their dear Father.
Our Father’s Home is a house of prayer. Ask in Jesus name and you will receive. The Jews had perverted the sacrifices of the Temple from fixing the people’s eyes on the promised Messiah, into works that they did to lay claim on God. Have you done the same? Do you think that God owes you one for your faithful attendance? Faithful life? All the work that you’ve done for Him? Do you think you don’t need to go to Church....because you haven’t been that bad or evil...Then you have a thieves’ mind. Repent! Stop weeping trusting your works. Rejoice to enter your Father’s House, every Sunday, He listens to your prayers. He lovingly grants your petitions for the sake of His Son Jesus!
IV. Stop the noise! We live noisy lives in a noisy world. Satan floods our ears with white noise and the world distracts us with screens. Our flesh loves to have it’s ears tickled by all the noise and flashy images. They are lies that cannot save, comfort, or dry our tears.
Repent of the noise. Learn to come away from it all. Sit in silence. Learn to listen. Listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd! (Lk.19:47-48) He speak His Word breathes forth His Holy Spirit - we confess “Jesus is Lord.” Every Sunday He is present in His Word speaking to you. Every day as your read the Holy Bible out loud in your family devotions - He speaks His Word to comfort. His Word is Truth. It sets us free from our self-deception. The world may seek to destroy us, but it has lost. Heaven and earth will pass, but His Word will not. Cling to it. Hear Him! He promises, Joh 10:27-30 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (28) And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. (29) My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. (30) I and My Father are one."
Our nation will fall, but Christ’s Church remains - the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Stop your weeping - receive His peace as He visits you here in time inviting you to pray to your Father through His Cross and by His Holy Spirit. Amen.
Sermon Text: Luke 19:41-48
Sermon Theme: “Why Are You Weeping?” by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
I.N.R.I. August 9th the weeping prophet mourned as the Temple mount was breeched by its enemies. The once magnificent Temple, where the Lord God had placed His Name, was torn down - it’s structures burned - anything of value looted. The residents of Jerusalem taken away captive. Jeremiah remained among the ruins of the once magnificent city of David weeping. He laments. You can read his book of Lamentations. Solomon’s beautiful temple was laid waste on August 9th, 587B.C..
August 9th the Word spoken by the God/Man were fulfilled. Forty years earlier riding towards Jerusalem to fulfill the Final Passover by sacrificing His innocent flesh and pour out His holy precious blood for all sinners - He wept. The crowds on Palm Sunday rejoiced, but Jesus wept. He knew the judgment that would fall on His beloved city. She rejected God’s Word. She would betray the Messiah and demand His crucifixion. On August 9th, 70 A.D. the Roman legions, now commanded by Titus, breeched the Temple Mount. King Herod’s magnificent temple was leveled to the ground Jerusalem destroyed. The Jewish historian Flavis Josephus records the horrific details of the Jewish wars and the final siege of Jerusalem that in April of 70 A.D.. When millions of Jewish pilgrims filled Jerusalem for Passover. Titus laid siege cutting off their food supply. By June the captive Jews were eating shoe leather seasoned with bird droppings, by July some mothers resorted to cannibalizing their children. Seasoned Roman warriors were appalled at the scenes they beheld when they breeched Jerusalem’s walls. Word spread that some Jews had swallowed their money. The Roman soldiers eviscerated them, until their commanders stopped the slaughter. Then Josephus records that Jews were sold into slavery - 30 for a penny.
Jesus wept on Palm Sunday for His people didn’t know the day of their visitation. God in the Flesh - He had come to redeem them. His body was the True Temple in which God the Creator dwelt as Man among His fallen and lost creatures. The Jewish leaders were certain that political power and money were the things that made for their peace. They feared that the Romans would destroy their city and take away their Temple if they allowed Jesus to go on preaching, healing the sick, raising the dead. They had no idea of the things that made for their peace. Jesus wept for them.
Jesus wept for you! He has compassion on you! Even when our culture has chosen death over life. For it knows neither the things that make for peace or that Emmanuel visits His people today.
Therefore repent. Turn away from our dying culture. Turn from your sin. Hear the voice of your Savior! “Why Are You Weeping?” I. Know the things that make for your peace (vs.41-42). II. Rejoice in the time of your visitation(vs.43-44). III. Be glad to come into this House of Prayer(vs.45-46). IV. Listen to Jesus!(vs.47-48).
I. What are the things that make for your peace? What do you run to in times of trouble? Where do you find security in times of trouble? What do you boast about? What do you need to rejoice? Where do you look expecting all good and to find refuge in times of distress? Sitting in the pew on a Sunday - it is easy to give the “godly” answer - but honestly examine your heart. Were you more excited about maybe winning the Schwiezer Fest Half-Pot last night....or receiving forgiveness of all your sins this morning in absolution? Were your more excited to cheer on people stuffing their faces with blueberry pies....or to joyfully sing the hymns and liturgy as Christ Jesus feeds us His living Word? Where is your heart?
Do I fear, love, and trust in God above all things? Or do I idolize money, fun, my feelings, my thinking, my wants, and my needs. If I am honest I often fall down before the false god called “ME!” We weep, mourn, and mope as no one sees how important “ME” is...we lie that if only we get more likes...then we will have peace.
Listen! (Lk 19:41) The Prince of Peace is riding towards His throne. Holy angels rejoiced to sing that in His flesh and blood alone there is now “peace on earth.” In Him alone we find God’s “good will toward” fallen and lost mankind. King Jesus comes to win our peace over sin, Satan, death, and hell. Riding on the back of a borrowed donkey Jesus disciples rejoice “Luk 19:38 saying: " 'BLESSED IS THE KING WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!' Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" If they weren’t singing the rocks themselves were burst into praise that its Creator is coming to restore its peace by taking away the sin of the world.
Jerusalem was wilfully ignorant. They knew the words of the prophets. The last and greatest prophet John the baptizer pointed them to Jesus. Baptismal water fixes our eyes on Peace - “Joh 1:29 , "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” You don’t earn peace with God - He gives it to you in the flesh and blood of His Son. You don’t find peace with God - it finds you at the font comforting you from infancy that by His death and resurrection - His God is forever “Your God”. His Father is forever “Your Father.” Return to your baptism daily, wash the muddy idol of “ME” from your eyes and see Jesus only - Your Peace!
II. How can Jesus be “my Peace” when He’s left? Hasn’t He ascended into Heaven to sit at the Father’s right hand? If only He’d visit me? We lament not knowing the Scriptures or the power of Christ’s Word. Listen to Him! (Lk. 19:43-44).
The trouble started in 66A.D.. Jewish Zealots rebelled against the Roman procurator Gessius Florus after he confiscated 17 talents from the Temple treasury. After Roman soldiers massacred 600 Jews, the zealots massacred Roman soldiers. The city rose up in revolt and drove the Roman garrison out of its walls. Emperor Nero sent his best general Vespasian to put down the rebellion. He raised and trained an army marching towards Jerusalem. His campaign would culminate in Jerusalem’s destruction in 70A.D.
The Christian Church, birth in Jerusalem on Pentecost, through preaching and baptizing had left the city. Listening to Jesus’ Words many had fled to Pella, east of the Jordan River. They knew the “day of their visitation.” Every Sunday! Have your forgotten what our early brothers and sisters in Christ knew? Listen to Jesus’ promise sealed to you in baptismal water, “Mat 28:20 and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Jesus’ triumphant ascension and enthronement wasn’t to get away from His lambs and sheep - but to be with them always. He is present now as True God and True Man where the Church gathers, even if it is only two or three, around His Word to receive His gifts. Repent of breaking faith with His Word and promise. He is present - here - every Sunday to visit you with forgiveness of all your sins. He visits you to fill you with His life breathing forth the Holy Spirit through His forgiving Word. He visits you with His salvation - Sunday after Sunday.
III. Have you made His Church a den of thieves? A thief breaks into a home taking what doesn’t belong to him. Trusting in his own stealthy plans he forces entry to take what isn’t given him. A son and daughter receives freely from their Father’s love within His House.
The Lord is in His Temple! (Lk.19:45-46). Three years earlier, St. John records, that Jesus drove out the money changers in the Temple during Passover. Now He does it again. Why? Not so we wouldn’t have soup suppers or chicken dinners within a church building. No! He would tenderly invite us to believe that God is our Father and we are His dear children so that with all boldness and confidence we as Him as dear children ask their dear Father.
Our Father’s Home is a house of prayer. Ask in Jesus name and you will receive. The Jews had perverted the sacrifices of the Temple from fixing the people’s eyes on the promised Messiah, into works that they did to lay claim on God. Have you done the same? Do you think that God owes you one for your faithful attendance? Faithful life? All the work that you’ve done for Him? Do you think you don’t need to go to Church....because you haven’t been that bad or evil...Then you have a thieves’ mind. Repent! Stop weeping trusting your works. Rejoice to enter your Father’s House, every Sunday, He listens to your prayers. He lovingly grants your petitions for the sake of His Son Jesus!
IV. Stop the noise! We live noisy lives in a noisy world. Satan floods our ears with white noise and the world distracts us with screens. Our flesh loves to have it’s ears tickled by all the noise and flashy images. They are lies that cannot save, comfort, or dry our tears.
Repent of the noise. Learn to come away from it all. Sit in silence. Learn to listen. Listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd! (Lk.19:47-48) He speak His Word breathes forth His Holy Spirit - we confess “Jesus is Lord.” Every Sunday He is present in His Word speaking to you. Every day as your read the Holy Bible out loud in your family devotions - He speaks His Word to comfort. His Word is Truth. It sets us free from our self-deception. The world may seek to destroy us, but it has lost. Heaven and earth will pass, but His Word will not. Cling to it. Hear Him! He promises, Joh 10:27-30 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. (28) And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. (29) My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. (30) I and My Father are one."
Our nation will fall, but Christ’s Church remains - the gates of hell will not prevail against it. Stop your weeping - receive His peace as He visits you here in time inviting you to pray to your Father through His Cross and by His Holy Spirit. Amen.
Content Copyright Belongs to Emmanuel Lutheran Church