Rejoice! You Are Not Forsaken! Isaiah 40:25-31

May 08, 2022
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

Shout to joy to God! A little while we suffer this side of eternity, but Christ Jesus has won us from sin, death, and Satan! Rejoice! Salvation is ours in Christ! We shall never be forsaken! Sermon Text: Isaiah 40:25-31. Sermon Theme: "Rejoice! Your Are Not Forsaken!" Sermon for Jubilate the 4th Sunday of Easter, 8-May-2022 preached at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Tell City, Indiana by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert.

Episode Notes

Jubilate, 4th Sunday of Easter                                                   8-May-2022
Sermon Text: Isaiah 40:25-31
Sermon Theme: Rejoice! You Are Not Forsaken!” by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

I.N.R.I. “Can a woman forget her nursing child and not have compassion on the son of her womb?”(Is. 49:15) The Lord responds to Zion - the Church’s complaint, “The Lord has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.”(Is.49:15)
      Mother’s day honors the natural love a woman has for every child conceived in her womb. How could a mother forget the baby at her breast? In the wild every animal mother, from bear to buffalo, will fight the fiercest if its children are threatened. How could a human mother not have compassion on the baby growing in her womb? Sin! Satan lies - murder is compassion. He lies - human life is disposable. He lies - the death of an innocent brings freedom. He lies - motherhood is a burden, not a blessing. He lies - marriage isn’t necessary for sex. He lies and our fallen reason and flesh love the lie. Sin bends us inward on self. Trapped in the prison of self our culture despises the self giving and self sacrificing calling of motherhood. Yet all those who rally for the right to murder babies in the womb, they had mothers who carried them to term and gave them life.
      The Lord preaches through the prophet Isaiah, “Isa 49:15 "Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.” Sacrificing babies for sex didn’t start in 1973 with Roe vs. Wade. It started among the brother murderer Cain’s descendants and their man made fertility gods. After the worldwide flood destroyed them, the lie again resurfaced among Noah’s descendants. The Canaanites made fertility idols that demanded ritualized prostitution. The Ammonites idol Molech demanded the sacrifice of newborn babies. A blazing fire before the man made image of Molech became an incinerator for living babies. The fertility idols demanded sexual perversion and sacrifice of innocent life to bring favorable climate change. Many man made gods - idols - led women to forget the son of her nursing child and not to have compassion on the son of her womb. Sin can pervert the blessing of womanhood to sacrifice babies.  
      Greater than a mother’s love is the love of God our heavenly Father - “Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you.” God the Father’s only begotten Son - Jesus assures you, Isa 49:16 See, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands; Your walls are continually before Me.” He has become our Brother to reclaim our human nature. The historical truth reality of His sacrifice on the cross and His physical resurrection have “brought us from Satan to God, from death to life, from sin to righteousness, and who preserves us in the same.”(L.C. Creed 2nd Art.) Our risen Lord Jesus still draws near to us here with His living flesh speaking, “Peace, be not afraid, see I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands.” Showing us those nail wounds in His living flesh - we see our names written there upon the palms of His saving hands. We hear His voicing breathing out His Holy Spirit to richly and daily forgive us all our sins saying, “Rejoice! You Are Not Forsaken!”
      Man made gods cannot save - they only bring death. The nation of Judah would collapse because it loved man’s lies rather than the Creator’s living Word of truth. Satan is a liar and murderer from the beginning. He loves to masquerade as a white devil, a spiritual devil, a religious devil and men make idols. Loving the lie brought destruction to the nation of Judah - it still destroys nations. The Lord preaches through the prophet Isaiah of the folly of man made gods that cannot save - a stone statue, an idol of gold or silver, or carved out of wood cannot save. Twice in the Psalms the delusion of man made gods is exposed: Psa 135:15-18 The idols of the nations are silver and gold, The work of men's hands. (16) They have mouths, but they do not speak; Eyes they have, but they do not see; (17) They have ears, but they do not hear; Nor is there any breath in their mouths. (18) Those who make them are like them; So is everyone who trusts in them.” Those who worship lifeless gods are dead within themselves.  
      Man by nature is religious - Satan deludes us with modern idols. Government schools teach a religion. Humanism was at the heart of John Dewey’s teaching philosophy introduced into American public schools at the beginning of the 20th century. The religion of evolutionism, scientism, and wokeism influences many curriculums. At its heart is the old lie from Satan the liar - man can be his own god making up right and wrong according to his feelings and desires. Wise Solomon warns us twice in Proverbs, Pro 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
    When you are tempted by the lies of this present age to think that God has forsaken you or that Christ has forsaken His Church - when all seems dark and night has fallen -turn off the screens- walk away from the programming lies in their images and stories - go outside - LOOK UP! (Vs.25-26). Listen! Psa 19:1-3 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. (2) Day unto day utters speech, And night unto night reveals knowledge. (3) There is no speech nor language Where their voice is not heard.” The Lord led Abraham outside to gaze at the stars promising him that his descendants would be as the stars of the heaven. God’s grace in Christ is sufficient for you! He saves and sustains His Church even in these last days. Behold the beauty of the stars the Lord Jesus created calling forth light from darkness on the first 24 hour day of creation, and then organizing them into the heavenly bodies - stars - on the fourth day of creation.
    Man hasn’t finished counting the number of stars. The Lord God brings out their host by number. We may name stars and know some constellations - our Creator knows them all by name. He calls them by name and they appear and with joy run the course He has set for them. In the stars we see the greatness of His might and the strength of His power to create and sustain the universe. Why do we fear a man made nuclear weapon that can only destroy? Our Creator upholds the distant stars - not one is missing.
    If He personally calls the stars by name and loses not one - do you think He forgets you? (Vs.27) He bled and died for your sins! He not only created you - He rescued you with His flesh - He has recreated you in Holy baptism to be His own and live in Him! When despair floods upon you - look up! Rom 8:31-32 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? (32) He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” On Calvary- Jesus who shone brighter than the sun on the Mount of Transfiguration took all the darkness of your sin upon Himself. He finished it once for all! Your way isn’t hidden. Your just claim isn’t passed over - He knows you - your sins - He draws near to forgive the little while of sorrow is replaced by the joy of resurrection forgiveness! Rejoice! You are not forsaken! Look up and behold His stars! Christ Jesus is coming again soon to rescue you from all the wicked! Mat 13:43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
    When death, grief, and fear flood upon you - turn off the lies - walk out into the daylight - LOOK OUT! (Vs.28-29) Jesus teaches us to replace our worry over food by looking at the birds. They don’t drive tractors or fill silos - their Heavenly Father feeds them - aren’t you worth more than they? Not even a sparrow dies apart from the Father’s will - can you not trust His good and gracious will in your life? When you worry about clothing - look at the wild flowers - the Lord clothes them with beautiful garments though they soon die - don’t’ you think He Who has clothed you with Christ’s perfect righteousness in your baptism - knows how to care for you?
    We grow tired, our Heavenly Father neither faints or is weary! Our Creator cares for us - giving daily bread even to the wicked - therefore we pray that He would lead us to know this and receive our daily bread with thanksgiving. Our Creator’s understanding is unsearchable. Christian mothers and fathers teach their children to pray with Jesus. Calling God “Father” is a tender invitation to know the truth that in Christ the Creator is our True Father and we are His True children. We live by faith and not by fear - calling upon Him with all boldness and confidence - as dear children ask their dear Father. When we are weak He is strong. When we have no might He increases our strength through His Word by His Holy Spirit bringing us to Jesus and keeping us in His Word and faith until we die! Rejoice! You are not forsaken! Look out at His creation! Heb 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU." (6) So we may boldly say: "THE LORD IS MY HELPER; I WILL NOT FEAR. WHAT CAN MAN DO TO ME?"
    Can a mother forget her own children? Maybe..., but God will not forget or forsake you! He has bled and died for your sins! Innocent Jesus suffers and dies in place of Barabbas - a terrorist and murderer. He has shoulder all your sin - He draws near freeing you with His blood forgiveness! Washes and makes you new again! When all seems lost - LOOK AHEAD! (Vs.30-31) In March 1998 a strong line of thunderstorms swept through southern Minnesota sparking several devastating tornados. Afterwards the DNR reported finding eagles suffering from frostbitten talons - why? When a dangerous storm approaches many birds seek shelter or fly away. An eagle flies toward the storm - the Creator has instilled it with His saving knowledge - as it soars the updrafts before the storm will lift up the eagle on its wings above the massive thunder heads and bring it peacefully to the other side of the squall line.
    Youths faint and grow weary. Young men fall. Our salvation isn’t in our doing - but in waiting - waiting on the Lord - trusting His Word to renew our strength by forgiving our sins - making us new creations in Christ Jesus! So we fly towards the storm of death - it cannot harm us - Christ Jesus has forever robbed the grave of its power and death of its sting - He lifts us up on His wings stretched out upon the cross for our salvation - His living flesh our name inscribed in the nail wounds assuring us that He has saved us! Bringing us through the little while of sorrow, grief, sickness, and dying to the resurrection of our bodies, reunion with all who trust in His flesh for salvation - with our mothers and fathers who loved us and brought us to church and brought church home. Then we shall forever run in bodies raised incorruptible and never grow weary. Then we shall walk with Him face to face in these bodies raised immortal and never grow faint. Rejoice! You are not forsaken! Amen.

Content Copyright Belongs to Emmanuel Lutheran Church